Not Yet Spring


Not Yet Spring


the moment of not-yet-spring
passes like a breath
no hail notice will be made
of chill winters’s death
but the heart may die
with one beat of not-yet-love
— stars fall from the sky

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2021


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24 thoughts on “Not Yet Spring”

  1. There are so many moments when spring is almost here (just like love) but right when you least expect it, it’s there.

    1. I was thinking about the weekend of Daylight Savings Time being ghe moment of Not-Yet-Spring. I see it as a non moment. But when you discover in s relationship that one of you may abide in not-yet-love, it can drive the other partner, fully invested in love — bonkers, to the point of explosion… especially if the invested partner is not a person of great patience. If they are, there will likely be few fireworks!

    1. Hi Ren! Really nice to see you visit. Hope all is well with you and yours there in Norway. Noticed your country had flattened the COVID-curve DRAMATICALLY last Summer. Now your country is being rewarded with the deadly AstraZeneca vaccine. 19 die in Norway from the AZ vaccine. That’s a bummer. We are doing well here in Seattle. I fiercely miss the mountains, old-growth forests, waterfalls, high desert, and the glorious Pacific Coast of Oregon — but Kathy and I are now living in an apartment on the first floor of a home owned by my son Justin, daughter-in-law Christine, and now 7-year-old grandson Alex. FYI: The first three USA deaths from COVID-19 happened a year ago last month, in a nursing home here in Kirkland WA, 12 blocks from where we live. I am personally doing as well as expected for an old fart with diabetes and heart failure. Got a Pacemaker 3 years ago after my 3rd heart attack. Kathy and I are both fully vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine, so I guess we won’t die from the “Rona”. My poor grandson has been ZOOM-schooled for a full year now. His parents Jus and Christine are doing a damned good job with the challenge. Kath and I help. He goes back to “real” school in September to start 2nd grade. As you know, we now have a real President here in the USA. The toxic fucking “game-show-host-who-would-be-king” is now ‘fired’. A wonderful sense of possibility now permeates the country – save for a few trump-infevted rodents still scurrying about. Well I invite you to read back over my COVID-19 year of poetry — some of it is respectable. I assume you are or have been teaching/mentoring, and being active in creativity — especially your excellent poetry and writing. Drop me a line, if you wish, at my address. It’s still rtkistner@ like forever. Well, that’s my file dump of the years since we last touched base. It is a a genuine pleasure, as I said, to see that you visited. Hope you return my friend! 🙂

      1. Thank you for this update! I will shoot you an email soon. I have been working on a textbook for my students (theater, not poetry) – and had some health issues since my last book was published. I am returning now with a vengeance and having a lot of fun playing again. I am glad you are vaccinated. Our numbers are higher this week than they have been since the pandemic began. It’s difficult to know where we are headed here. Just goes to show there’s no single “right” way to deal with any of this. Both of my sons had the virus (one while in Afghanistan and the other in London) – but they both have mostly recovered. My youngest now hates the smell of chocolate and bacon – but so far that’s all the virus seems to have taken from him so there’s relative luck there. (My best friend’s parents live in Kirkeland – but they are still doing well…) – I will absolutely be in touch!

        1. Ren, lovely to see your response here. It’s 4:00 AM and my Ambian is finally kicking in — but I want to talk to you and hear about your adventures… “Til Da”

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