Burst of Blossoms


The burst of cherry blossoms outside my window, always heralds an uplift in my mood. Their bright blooms bring a lightness to my spirit, that puts a smile in my heart. Their delicate countenance speaks to me of peace and gentle beauty, while the heady fragrance stirs thoughts and feelings of love.

They deliver me from the doldrums of winter into the joys of the unfolding spring, celebrating renewal and new possibility. The time of cherry blossoms is a sacred time of transcendence, to be honored and embraced with gratitude, for the blessing of rebirth. May this stricken world find rekindled hope.

sweet pink blossoms burst
red spring buds have spread their wings
soon will be cherries

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse


20 thoughts on “Burst of Blossoms”

  1. A lovely tribute to the cherry blossoms, Rob. We have many flowering trees here – plum, pear, dogwood, redbud, tulip, and apple, but their glory seems to last not nearly long enough. Here we are hosting NCAA games, and praying the crowds don’t cause a surge in Covid. Alas, the Ducks finally fell, but they have a proud season. They were fun to watch.

    1. I hope they don’t Bev, that would be unfair and unfortunate. The Ducks’ men had no excuse. The women sadly had to play without out either of their starting guards guards healthy, and one of their best bigs went down just as we had climbed within two possessions. The women were majority freshman so they will be back strong next season!

  2. I like the idea of the blossoms being just outside of your window and how close they are to you in spirit as well. Your musical selection and where it is played is so awesome. I imagined the trees were the audience being played to and swore I saw them nodding in appreciation.

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