No Regrets

W ritten many pointed comments — yes
and polarizing poetry — indeed
I am not sorry that I wrote them
they’re intended to inspire

if any raised your hackles
it was you who chose to read
and it proves they were effective
if in-fact they stirred your ire

I will not change my viewpoint
my fired words I’ll not walk back
perhaps it’s you who should look inward
why did my thoughts make you upset

no — I’m not retracting anything
what I said must have been on track
so if you’re seeking an apology
that’s one thing you’ll never get

I know that I can be aggressive
perhaps my demeanor frightens you
if so — for that I’m sorry
but not sorry for what I said

I do not intend you bodily harm
that is not what I mean to do
no sticks n’stones to break no bones
just truth’s flame to fire your head

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse


28 thoughts on “No Regrets”

  1. I LOVE this! Speak your truth, Rob. You said it all and I especially resonated with these lines deeply:

    “so if you’re seeking an apology
    that’s one thing you’ll never get”

    Such a strong and evocative statement. Never apologize for who you are. Brilliantly and beautifully said!

  2. BIG, BOLD, AND BRASSY there, brother. I applaud your poetic tenacity, and contrary nature (much like my own).
    I do agree with your message (what did we used to say…”Fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke”).

    1. Thanks brother! I have never, or can’t remember, ever regretting something I wrote.If I don’t believe it, I don’t write it. Sorry if anyone has gotten upset over something I have written, but, well — not my problem. Don’t like how I think, don’t visit my site — and I wish you the best.

  3. lol typical man, they seldom apologise!

    But you are right to stand by your viewpoints, I’m sure they are well thought out not thrown out mindlessly … and we all need to be challenged. Keep em rolling Rob

    1. 🙂 Thank you Kate. I’ve done and said things over my 75 years that I have regretted, and made numerous apologies. But I really have never written anything on my site ( that I can remember ) that I regret. I do mull over what I write, snd if it doesn’t resonate with my essential being — I don’t post it. Actually, I don’t really know how I could bring myself to post it. It would hold know impact for me, and I don’t want to post what I feel would be powerless work.

  4. Maybe your intentions are pure, Rob. And that’s all you can speak for. I know that not all have such pure intentions. That said, I decided not to look for one of my poems to flip perspective on, as what it is was what I felt at the time and there is no changing it.

    1. I hear you Lisa. My “tastes” may evolve and change, maybe in clothes, colors, food, etc. — but not something I have given foresight to as a mature adult. Now, my caveat here is “mature adult”. I take no responsibility for anything I may have thought or said as a teeny bopper. We’re all insane during those years… 🙂

  5. Very clever palinode! Not exactly a retraction but as denial therein. Powerful. I love human expression and the nobility of steadfastness, even when sometimes you know it’s better said in other ways. Live your truth, friend.

    1. Thank you Masa. This is my truth herein. Being unfamiliar with what a palinofe is, I believe overthought my response to the prompt. It is not to recant a personal inner viewpoint, but a differing observation of domething outside ourselves.

  6. What?!? no egrets? Nothing that needs even the slightest second thought, reduction, elimination? Yeah, I hear you, Mr K. Straightforward never happens in reverse, after retrospection, eh?
    Luckily for me, I never mean anything for more than a second or two…at least after I’m finished writing it.

    Honorable creation, Man. I dig it.

    1. nope, nothing brother! But, I am about to post a second piece that may better address the nature of the Palinode, and the spirit of Grace’s prompt here?

    1. Thank you my friend. Poetry is the voice of the soul, that can’t be co,promised. Anyone who doesn’t feel that in their bones, is not a poet.

  7. We poets may regret some of our life choices, but never our poetry. Poems can be reworked, rewritten (like history), renamed, inspire us into writing something else; the memories we hold onto can’t be changed, and neither can our intent. But the reader is a different kettle of fish, over which we have no control.

    1. Yes Kim, you have named it. Not sure everybody here on spaceship earth has the same respect for shat they write, but to trud poets, what we write is sacred. We edit to improve impact, not alter the essence — truth is precious.

  8. ‘perhaps it’s you who should look inward
    why did my thoughts make you upset’

    – that’s exactly right, well said Rob!

    Nowadays, if someone upsets me, I look to myself and ask why am I letting this happen?

    1. Self examination is not ready, as we sll know Ingrid, and usually not the first place people go when they become upset. However, there is much to learn, positive and negative, if people would do the investigation.

  9. There are always those who will disagree, and that is what the world is, but we have to listen to the opposing views as well.

    1. I do listen Bjorn, but I am damned set in my ways. I have spent 74 years figuring myself out the best I can — so my core beliefs, at this point, are anchored and immovable, certainly with regard to the opinions of others. I respect their right to their opinion, just likely not buyin’ it. I believe that anyone, who has been genuine in their approach to life, will be anchored in their core beliefs at some point otherwise they do not embrace any reality. I fo not claim my core beliefs must be dmbraced by another, they are just mine, and work for me and my ability to move sanely through life.

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