Blood Moon’s Crest

…interpretive gothic tale…

S o icy round
the wolf’n eye
soft and round
the riding breast

in the grande dame’s fear
a circle round
the blood moon’s crest

when this cold moon
shines red and full
there is danger
in its sanguine light

best stay put
lock tight your doors
most brutal death
is afoot tonight

there are lies
within this circled moon
that surround
this cruel charade

they gather
and collect the tears
‘til midnight’s debt
is fully paid

‘til innocence
is found to want
and purity
so deep defiled

as cold and soulless
lupine eyes
cleave this night
in red and wild

and all that once
was tender
will on this night
turn beastly raw

let guilted hearts
be locked away
to deny at dawn
the truth they saw

rob kistner © 2021

* Last night was a super flower blood moon.

Poetry at: dVerse


Sad strange fact. These 3 were recorded on 09/11/01 at Sting’s Palagio, Italy Villa.

Sting’s Fuck You to the asses that destroyed NY’s Twin Towers that very morning!

So beautiful, and still devastatingly heartbreaking, and angering, 20 years later.

48 thoughts on “Blood Moon’s Crest”

  1. I love how you made your moon seem to draw the dangerous and wild… my moon is giddy and sweet.

    1. The moon affects Bjorn, it stirs my wild blood. A genuine reason for my insomnia — also writing in the spell of night is most fruitful and enjoyable for me.

  2. Lupine loveliness, and the only song you left out was WEREWOLF IN LONDON, “and his hair was perfect”. I chose, as you know, the blood moon take on that prompt, but I love your full tilt lupine boogie.

    1. I had definitely thought of Warren’s song because I really like it. In the end, I leaned to the sophisticated nature of Sting’s piece. Then I couldn’t stop posting Gordon’ fantastic tunes!

  3. Wolves – intriguing animals, sometimes loners sometimes social in their packs, often dangerous – and they certainly love the moon. I enjoyed the chilling portrait of the wolf’s dark side, Rob, but, paradoxically, a wolf can be a faithful companion, especially if raised from a cub.

    1. Thank you Kim. I find the moon and night animals fascinating — wolves, coyotes, owls, and the like. I relate because my circadian rhythms are keyed to night. Really love the night, thd quiet that is filled with sounds. The safety of the cover of darkness — and the danger. It all gets my blood flowing.

  4. I’d love to hear this read in a dark pub … Maybe on Halloween. I must say I’ve never thought of the moon that way, so it’s refreshing to now. Like Kali, giver and taker of life.

  5. I love your descriptor of, “…interpretive gothic tale…”
    Truly mesmerizing as those under its spell are held still until……
    They can’t say they weren’t warned:
    “when this cold moon
    shines red and full
    there is danger
    in its sanguine light”
    “Moon Over Bourbon Street” is a perfect song to go with it!

  6. I admit to confusion between the blood moon and the flower moon, and, being little goody two-shoes, I much prefer the latter, but you certainly brought the blood moon to terrifying image!!

    1. OK Bev, here goes.
      The 1st moon in May is always called the Flower Moon. (a 2nd May moon would be called a Blue Moon)
      A moon in total lunar eclipse is called a Blood Moon.
      A moon that has its orbit closest to the earth is called a Super Moon.
      Yesterday’s moon was a Super Flower Blood Moon.
      …are you confused yet Bev… 🙂

  7. “when this cold moon
    shines red and full
    there is danger
    in its sanguine light”

    “all that once
    was tender
    will on this night
    turn beastly raw”

    I especially like the way you worded these sections. But I think the moon in your picture is actually a gum ball at the bottom of a tiger’s blood snowcone. Sometimes cold isn’t a bad thing.

  8. So very interesting these verses on the moon that seem so long from the moon that passes over my head, the one that sheds light and guides my course in the night. It’s great to hear from the dark side of the moon. Happy mooning, Jason

  9. to deny at dawn
    the truth they saw

    I love the tinge of humour in cautioning the inherent danger when all others are gleefully waiting, anticipating a spectacle not to be seen for the next 150 years. Great write Rob!


  10. You expressed well this blood (and blood thirsty) moon, and all the creatures of the night who go with it. I’ll stay inside. ????
    I am the complete opposite–total morning person.

    1. Think I spent too many years, of my early adult life, in bands playing in clubs and bars until 2:00 AM Merril. I’d leave the stage so wired I’d not get to sleep until 3-4:00 AM. I believe it hard-set my circadian rhythms, imprinting a deep chronobiological pattern in my psyche, such that I have had insomnia for years now, requiring medication to get to sleep before 3:00 AM. Even when I was finished with performing,I enjoyed a career that leaned towards later hours 12PM-12AM, and permitted me to sleep-in in the morning. Love the night and post-midnight hours. I now require only 4-5 hours of sleep. Perhaps there is vampire somewhere in my lineage? Starting life as a bastard orphan, and only in recent months learning who my birth parents actually were — I know very little about my blood ancestors.

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