Lovely Le Filou


W hen donned the mask
the transformation starts
when smoulders forth the other
fire and spark
so deep and dark

this fantasy on wings
of ardor’s dreams
she is your lovely
mistress le filou

she is she
yet she is too the other
fey deceiver
fiery lover

unleashed at light
of passion’s sterling moon
manifest at your request
sustained this night
at her delight

she is your freya
she too — your venus
this beauty is your deepest longing loosed

and you her jester
you her mindless lusting fool

she brings sweet things to life you sadly miss
bestowed with aphrodite’s molten kiss
but as you burn you likely should know this
beneath the mask awaits a strange abyss

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse


WOW, This song by Santana & The Isley Bros is otherworldly sensual!

30 thoughts on “Lovely Le Filou”

  1. Ah my mistress le filou, sneaking into poetry like that! Stunning, very nicely done, and a crescendo of a last stanza…really liked the style in which this was done..

    1. Thank you Ain! It’s my “crazy quilt” approach to my poetry. If it is feelin’ right stay with the flow. I have written enough poetry and lyric over the years, that I have absorbed rules and techniques that I likely can’t name formally. And that is partly because I am not strongly drawn to specific rule or form — unless I am designing some “thing” for the material world, like a cabinet. All the many years I sang, I frequently improvised both melody and often lyrics. If it wasn’t off key or sounding like gibberish — I went with it. Making people feel was my real focus my friend — whether singing, or writing poetry/lyrics.

  2. And that’s just the way it happens, a true enchantment where you’re left as an empty husk in a ditch. Been a long time since hearing that Eagles song. It’s always been one of my favorites of theirs. “She held me spellbound in the night…”

  3. she brings sweet things to life you sadly miss
    bestowed with aphrodite’s molten kiss
    but as you burn you likely should know this
    beneath the mask awaits a strange abyss

    I love these lines, Rob!


  4. Writing to your own rhythm. Yep. I’m in that club!! I enjoy some formats, but the iambic pentameter takes me into full stop. I’m far too impatient to try to bend my thoughts into feet and iambs!

    1. I understand Bev. I don’t mind iambic pentameter, iI finished this piece in IP, as was the request by Ingrid in her prompt — and it felt like the perfect meter for the ending. I have also written villanelles, but that is not what moved me for this piece, nor were we prompted to write a big “V”. So my friend, you and I approach poetry with a similar mindset. I like that we do! 🙂

  5. What an entertaining poem!! “she is she yet she is too the other” ~ fun to try from time to time, I believe. Cheers!

  6. Great fusion of your own personal magical style with the formal meter in the last stanza. (No mistaking that guitar in ‘Gypsy Woman’ . I think I might dig out my Santana tonight!).

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