
~ is anybody listening ~



testing testing

testing 1 2 3…

can anybody hear me…

is anybody out there…

I can’t see clearly
damn these fogged lenses!


do we have connection?
is anybody even listening?

hello-oh-oh-oh… Ooo… Oooo…

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse


18 thoughts on “Anybody?”

    1. I have certainly had enough Helen! I pledged to write about love all last week — and I did. Msy this poem pop that balloon now, and let lose my angry, discouraged, realistic self again.

        1. The last line of my poem leads into the song I posted “Can Anybody Hear Me” by ADONA. I had finished the poem, then found the song — so I added that last line. It was kismet Helen!

    1. We have all been deserted, and nobody is litening any more — COVID is being ignored in the face of c,continually mounting deaths, there is a monster committing brutal war crimes with no regard for human dignity, and we continue to violate the planet to the degree of human unsustainability.

  1. I wonder if anyone is listening anymore, Rob. But, now I have this song lyrics worming through my head…
    Hello? (Hello? Hello? Hello?)
    Is there anybody in there?
    Just nod if you can hear me
    Is there anyone home?
    Come on now
    I hear you’re feeling down

    1. Yes True, I thought of Floyd’s “Comfortably Numb” after I had completed my poem, but that song is more about depression, and I was imagining more the idea of waking the people of the world from their apathy, not necessarily from their mass depression — though I feel mass depression may contribute to may in our world. And I simply couldn’t get the very sad situation surrounding Syd Barrett’s drug-induced schizophrenia out of my head. That prompted Waters & Gilmore to write the song. Genius lost! 🙁

      1. I think we are all a bit depressed, covid, war and climate changes are enough to make anyone feel blue. I guess, I just jumped the springboard of hello. I think the world has lost its way.

  2. Nope….just do what Sherry said cherish the good bits… give thanks for what you have and pray and of course communicate with poets

    1. I certainly do cherish the friends I got Rall, and the stuff that helps me get by. Lately I seem to get in trouble communicating with some poets, I have two of them pissed at me right now. I can’t change who I am. I am way to fucking old, broken, and dealing with shitty health — so guess I got two less poet friends. Or maybe they simply never were, though I thought one was. Guess you can’t please everybody. Best thing to do is please yourself. Power to the rest of rhe poets!

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