Loneliest Woe

Inspired by Sanaa’s “Christina Georgina Rossetti” prompt from 4/11/22.



My life’s focus — only my own
not giving thought that I might share
now foolish me I am alone
the path back home has overgrown
oh how I long to be back there

you were unselfish with your heart
now I see certain I was blind
I tore our tender love apart
ungrateful fool — I did depart
dreaming there’s better I could find

please my love — please now hear my plea
desperately I call to you
my empty life has turned on me
its seduction was trickery
in my life — you — were what was true

talk what you please of future spring
and sun-warm’d sweet to-morrow

when shunned love won’t heed your calling
and you’re fickle heart is rightly breaking
it is the loneliest of woe

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse


7 thoughts on “Loneliest Woe”

  1. Well this is drama at its most sincere…I feel that pull…and the path overgrown…what a line…hope you are alright Rob mate…

  2. The lonelisest of woe indeed.
    BUT, rather than make any more comments on your always wonderful poetry, I want to wish you well, my friend. Take care of yourself. Mind the doctors. Be gentle with your expectations and be patient as well. I am thinking of you….and if you so believe in them, prayers are coming your way. Or at the very least, a virtual hug from this dVerse fellow poet!

    And yes, Kathy, you posted it exactly right. Thinking of you as well….it is always excruciating to see the love of our life lying still. A virtual hug for you as well!

  3. Just checking in my friend….to see how you are doing? Hope to see you over at Quadrille Monday at dVerse…..even if only in the chat at the pub’s home page to let us know how you’re doing. Or perhaps your lovely wife could go to the Quadrille home page today at https://dversepoets.com and let us all know how you’re doing? Thinking of you!

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