The Chase

Riddle dee diddle dee dee, I got a riddle for thee.
Riddle dee diddle dee doo, if ya know the answer, tell me true!



You are always there
I know for sure you are
some times quite near
only to again be far

I chase you through the fields
pursue you up the hill
I never seem to catch you
and know I never will

I have followed you every day
morning noon and night
but you rush on steadily
just beyond my sight

you are also always coming
but you can never quite get here
just when I think I see you
the picture’s again unclear

I must certainly admit
you’ve kept quite the pace
you’re not here or there
you are everyplace

though that day can never come
when we’re finally face to face
fact is — you’ve kept me busy
hope you prove worth the chase

I wonder — will you be good
or instead will you be bad
or will I simply find out
that I have just been had

if where I think you’re heading
simply proves to be untrue
that all along you’ve played me
then I am bloody mad — fuck you!

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse


*ANSWER: it’s the “future”. You can’t catch it. Even if you think you did, you’d find what you are holding is the present, the future has already got ahead of you. If you should happen to catch and stop the future, guess what — what you got is your death, then you definitely got no future. Truth is, the future is never quite what you thought it to be.

28 thoughts on “The Chase”

    1. No Helen, it’s the future. You can’t catch it. Even if you think you did, you’d find what you are holding is the present, the future has already got ahead of you. If you ever catch and stop the future, guess what — what you got is your death, and you then you definitely still ain’t got no future.

    1. I left a clue in the poem hinting away from “shadow” by saying “daily morning noon and night”. On a night with no moon, no shadows in the field or on the hill.

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