
…here are two forms of reflection on the concept of melody…


Off Key



version 1

nature is a song
a melody transcendent
sung in harmony

but this chorus is threatened
humankind grows discordant


version 2

my love is a song
a melody transcendent
sung in harmony

but she will not sing along
likely she would sing off key

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rob kistner © 2008



Love’s Lilt

(free verse)



in the clatter
of a thoughtless moment

I forget to listen

fail to hear
the tender lilt
of our heartsong


when I am quiet
and we are close

our melody of love
is all I hear

please forgive
my selfish noise

rejoin me
in our sweet duet

I miss
your gentle voice

• • •

rob kistner © 2008







I come upon a man
standing by the road
looking sad

heavy box
in his arms
held close

he stares
into my eyes

his gaze stops me
fixes me in place

his face is tired
and drawn
etched in worry

when at last I move
I draw near

close enough to see
this sullen man
is me

he extends his arms
that clutch the heavy box

he beckons me retrieve
this container he protects

filled with apprehension
I reach
and grasp the case

lift it cautiously

lay it at my feet

it slowly opens
to reveal
its strange contents

seven shattered dreams

struck mute
I gaze in wonder

yet captivated
I inquire
of the nature
of the ruin
I behold

these are yours
the stranger says

broken by your hand

they each were shared
with one
who trusted you

each bond
you did betray
without a passing thought

abandoned carelessly

now the burden of this box
is mine beyond the grave

the stranger’s eyes
intensely sad
begin to pool
as he continues

it was on a road like this
that it was passed to me

I have carried it too long

I am weary from the load

now you must bend and lift
and clutch it to your breast
to struggle with its weight

until you pass it on

a tear
now softly glistens
on the stranger’s cheek

a man will come
over that horizon

he will stop
and stare
transfixed by your presence

you will charge him with this chest

then he will lift
and carry
as I do

in a cycle of forever

for he too
will be you

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rob kistner © 2008


composite above entitled: “Box Of Dreams” – by: rob kistner © 2008

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Dark Self



Dark Self


hidden from the light of day
another me resides
though keeping to the shadows
a saving grace abides

a darkling essence
scarred and damaged
begotten in another life
another place and time

it is an anger manifest
righteous and so long suppressed
that could not find effective voice
to save my ruined innocence

silent when I had no name
for what I did not comprehend
the woeful time when youthful trust
was betrayed in ways insidious

sadly was this torment done
by the hand of the entrusted one
concealed from blind society
to perpetrate such vile deeds

in this fire of perversity
my molten other self was forged
hammered on my hardened soul
tempered by survival’s hand

to rise and fight the abject fear
cradled within my broken heart
to lift from me my veil of sorrow
and so restore my peace of mind

to stir and wake my sacred rage
and instill my will to live
thus reclaim my rightful pride
to finally stand and say – no more

my shadow self did save my life
in doing so turned me to stone
I did not like what I’d become
I’d sacrificed integrity

I turned away from my dark self
refused its further influence
set about the trying task
of recapturing my dignity

not so easily subdued
this shadow calls when I am weak
so now I live with watchful eye

vigilant – yet thankful

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rob kistner © 2008


collage above entitled: “Dark Self” – by: rob kistner © 2008

• • •

Morning Gold



Morning Gold


across the meadow

last night’s dew clings
fondly to the old-growth

wrapped in crystalline embrace
it adorns the stately cedars
as if diamonds
that sparkle in the morning sun

a splendor befitting their beauty

this Sprring day begins bright and crisp

bird songs lilt
carried on a breeze

I see you afar
approaching on the path
backlit by sunrise
your hair golden in dawn’s glow

lover beholding beloved
I sit
warmed in daybreak’s window
with tea and fascination

I watch you
as you stop to rest

in this moment
my love spills over
floods ‘round me
until I am consumed

your lips sculpt a smile

I’m swept away on passion’s tide

• • •

rob kistner © 2008


click below to hear Morning Gold


Bad Weather



Bad Weather


you blew in like a typhoon
a hurricane of love
your kisses hot as lightning
striking from above

your passion was a tempest
I was swept up in its force
but now the winds have died
this storm has run its course

my thoughts are grey and cloudy
my eyes are steady rain
my heart’s caught in a cold front
bad weather’s bringing pain

yes, the warm winds will return
as will the clear blue skies
but my frozen heart will ever yearn
for the sun-fire of your eyes

• • •

rob kistner © 2008


collage above entitled: “Bad Weather” – by: rob kistner © 2008

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