Dark Self



Dark Self


hidden from the light of day
another me resides
though keeping to the shadows
a saving grace abides

a darkling essence
scarred and damaged
begotten in another life
another place and time

it is an anger manifest
righteous and so long suppressed
that could not find effective voice
to save my ruined innocence

silent when I had no name
for what I did not comprehend
the woeful time when youthful trust
was betrayed in ways insidious

sadly was this torment done
by the hand of the entrusted one
concealed from blind society
to perpetrate such vile deeds

in this fire of perversity
my molten other self was forged
hammered on my hardened soul
tempered by survival’s hand

to rise and fight the abject fear
cradled within my broken heart
to lift from me my veil of sorrow
and so restore my peace of mind

to stir and wake my sacred rage
and instill my will to live
thus reclaim my rightful pride
to finally stand and say – no more

my shadow self did save my life
in doing so turned me to stone
I did not like what I’d become
I’d sacrificed integrity

I turned away from my dark self
refused its further influence
set about the trying task
of recapturing my dignity

not so easily subdued
this shadow calls when I am weak
so now I live with watchful eye

vigilant – yet thankful

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rob kistner © 2008


collage above entitled: “Dark Self” – by: rob kistner © 2008

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