




I come upon a man
standing by the road
looking sad

heavy box
in his arms
held close

he stares
into my eyes

his gaze stops me
fixes me in place

his face is tired
and drawn
etched in worry

when at last I move
I draw near

close enough to see
this sullen man
is me

he extends his arms
that clutch the heavy box

he beckons me retrieve
this container he protects

filled with apprehension
I reach
and grasp the case

lift it cautiously

lay it at my feet

it slowly opens
to reveal
its strange contents

seven shattered dreams

struck mute
I gaze in wonder

yet captivated
I inquire
of the nature
of the ruin
I behold

these are yours
the stranger says

broken by your hand

they each were shared
with one
who trusted you

each bond
you did betray
without a passing thought

abandoned carelessly

now the burden of this box
is mine beyond the grave

the stranger’s eyes
intensely sad
begin to pool
as he continues

it was on a road like this
that it was passed to me

I have carried it too long

I am weary from the load

now you must bend and lift
and clutch it to your breast
to struggle with its weight

until you pass it on

a tear
now softly glistens
on the stranger’s cheek

a man will come
over that horizon

he will stop
and stare
transfixed by your presence

you will charge him with this chest

then he will lift
and carry
as I do

in a cycle of forever

for he too
will be you

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rob kistner © 2008


composite above entitled: “Box Of Dreams” – by: rob kistner © 2008

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