


succulent nectar of plumping fruit
peeled back in promised sweet delight
laid bare engorged deliciousness
a vision of tender ecstasy

tart sweet tingle at tip of tongue
probing to lift the fleshy folds
as lips embrace the juicy pulp
teeth gently nip the bursting core

breathing in the rich bouquet
all senses teased and tantalized
my mouth devours the dripping treat
again and again until satisfied

• • •

rob kistner © 2008

Make it happen…




with hope
we have direction
the energy to move
a map to follow
a hundred alternatives
a thousand paths
an infinity of dreams

with hope
we are half way there

without hope
we are lost forever

• • •

So Good

• Here is a bit of lighthearted noir tongue-in-cheek…

So Good


do not take this as precocious
but in business I’m ferocious

I wheel the deal with an artist’s feel
I rip the meat down to the bone

if I do say so – I’m incredible
so good, I’m almost edible

brains and brawn, I’m bright as the dawn
I’m on my game and in the zone

unyielding in a meeting
I administer a beating

I kill their will, I’m king of the hill
my demeanor is cold as stone

I am hungry and I’m ruthless
while the others all seem toothless

they hop, then drop, it’s me at the top
yes at the top I stand alone

at the top

I am


• • •

rob kistner © 2008

Echolalia – 3 variations

• here are three ‘light’ pieces in response to the word “echolalia”, focusing on the word as a derivation of the Greek – “to echo or repeat”, suggested as a writing prompt by readwritepoem.


Liar Liar


you’ve killed our dream
destroyed our home
you dreadful liar liar

I’d faith in you
thought you were true
not a horrid liar liar

but you’re exposed
you can’t deny
that you’re a liar liar

I’m through with you
I will not stay
with you – you liar liar

get out of here
just leave me be
go now — you liar liar

you’ve broken me
cut out my heart
how could you, liar liar

how could you… liar liar

• • •


Darling Dear


I heard you clear
my darling dear
that spiteful little word

have no fear
my darling dear
your nastiness was heard

you seared my ear
my darling dear
some hurtfulness occurred

but your cutting jeer
my darling dear
was mostly just absurd

you’ll cause no tear
my darling dear
with what you have inferred

because listen here
my darling dear
I’m proud to be a nerd

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can drown one’s aching heart in

• • •

rob kistner © 2008

• you can hear more echo’s from soul’s canyon at readwritepoem