


I’m awake late Christmas Eve
wrestling with what I believe
regarding the truth of Santa Clause
my parent’s proof is full of flaws

• • •

Ignorance falls like dark late night
a pitch so black there is no light
knowledge burning bright as flame
drives darkness back to where it came

• • •

I was born by dark of moon
a stormy night in late late June
it’s rained on every birthday after
my parties are devoid of laughter

• • •

O h this is bad, it’s our first date
and here I am two hours late
I have no quality excuse
maybe battery cables rattled loose
windshield shattered by a flying goose
the road was blocked by a stubborn moose
no… I’m turning back, ‘cause what’s the use

• • •

rob kistner © 2008






To the seaside she strolls
with me
On a sunny seaside day

Into the sea she slips
Then silently swims away

The sea opens up and
In its watery deep sea way

Soon she’ll be down with the
Aswim in the seabed’s sway

Serene in the spledor of
sea life
Neptune’s beauty in array

She seeks solace in this
sea world
These blues keep her blues at bay

• • •

rob kistner © 2008


drawing above entitled: “marea roja” — by: Lady Orlando

• • •

…poem inspired by read write image #5, found at “readwritepoem”


Lost To Me

Lost To Me


when you could
no longer
into my eyes

I knew
you were lost to me

when you could
no longer
my longing gaze

I knew
you were lost to me

when you could
no longer
softly speak
my name

I knew
you were lost to me

when you could
no longer
at my tender touch

to my embrace

rest your head
upon my shoulder

of your love

I knew then
for certain

were lost to me

never again
will I
above the clouds

‘round the sun

among the stars

with you
in the crescent
of the waning moon

never again
will I
drink deeply
from passion’s fount

a lover’s lips

are lost to me

lost to me

• • •

rob kistner © 2008

Oh, Man of Vision


…this is a poem of homage wrapped in a prayer for guidance


Oh, Man of Vision


valiant hero, I so respect you
salute you in your hard-earned triumph
and in this time of brilliant victory
pray that history does protect you

from the slings of the small-minded
trifled few of withered heart
of backward focused ignorance
by groundless hatred fully blinded

so I proudly shout, well done
your gallant stand for hope and justice
a battle centuries in the waging
with soulful dignity — finally won

I beseech the gods who raise up men
to grasp the reins and lead their people
grant that this one find the wisdom
the strength to lead us home again

• • •

rob kistner © 2008


NOTE: in this piece the term “men” represents all cognitive sentient beings


…find links to some fine writing at “readwritepoem”


Winter Tales (Midnight Snowfall / Winter / December Memories)

…here are three winter tales of beauty and love

Midnight Snowfall


in moonlit forest

midnight’s snowfall shimmers
through the boughs
of old growth

deep and still

as if spread by star clusters

it blankets
our high-mountain meadow
in crystal down

this night
fell quiet and crisp

a great white owl
through frosted cedar

lover and beloved

we entwine
‘neath winter’s window

with dreams
and one another

we sleep

in gentle slumber
we traverse
and space

in random wonder

we breathe
the ebb and flow
of nocturne

but I’ve awakened
in a winter
long ago

by firelight

warm and soft
in my arms

the night
that first we kissed


rob kistner © 2008





coarse lands cloaked in white

lakes bejeweled in crystal

winter’s dressing hand


rob kistner © 2008


December Memories


cold cheeks pressed in soft embrace
nestled warm in sweater’s plush
full hearts brim in fond delight
drawn close in loving gather

room awash in gentle glow
heady scent of fresh-cut noble
standing tall this winter night
resplendent in its cloak of yule

tender lilt of celtic song
sweet fragrances of promised treats
the pleasing snap of kindled log
spirits soothed by season’s hearth

ribbon’d papers flash multi-hues
gifts bestowed one at a time
each in turn a treasured moment
joyous laughter shared by all

round and round the kindred circle
we celebrate unveiled affection
nurtured by each act of love
precious times with family


rob kistner © 2008



photo at top entitled: “Moonlit Snow”

collage above: “Winter Night Journey”

Through Time & Space


…the following is an excerpt from a science fiction novel I’m writing


• • •


Through Time & Space


“I have watched
golden fire clouds,
hanging in pale green skies,
over the azure seas of Toluras”

“I have seen the copper leaves
of the parmus fronds
flashing from indigo mountains
in the crystal mists of Gemin.”

“I have beheld exquisite beauty
in my rich, full life
but none so beautiful
as your eyes tonight”

Artheo whispers these bewitching words, his breath warm on the tender lobe of my ear. Searching the depth of my eyes, plumbing my very soul, he presses his lips softly to mine, and with gentle passion — bids me farewell with a kiss.

The exchange of poetry, at times of high emotion, is a longstanding tradition on our planet – and my lover’s words were especially moving as we parted tonight.

This intimate moment now three hours past; I linger in the bittersweetness, still tasting his lips, smelling his hair, feeling the heat of his body – I ache for him.

But here I stand on the aft deck of the Thadius, hurtling through space, gazing into star-clustered blackness, cherishing the pleasures of our parting embrace.

A sudden chill shocks me sober. I’ve been here, done this, precisely this in every detail. But I know that is not possible. It is my first time aboard this particular ship.

I am gripped by foreboding. I shiver as I watch the sapphire-jade orb that holds my fascination, grow smaller, being slowly swallowed by the eternal night of space. It continues to recede, its form becoming softer, less clearly defined in the carbon-composite observation bubble, as zero-g frost clouds and obscures this breathtaking view of this lush planet, our home planet – Gemin.

Some now on board will not again see this precious sight for fifteen years, if they are counted among the fortunate who do return.

We race, exceeding light-squared, toward a distant call for help, an unknown destiny, in the far reaches of uncharted space — with no idea what we will encounter. The call made it certain that no good lay ahead for those aboard who now rush to respond to the enigmatic distress signal.

I am Sephias, on an ecological research mission, to return home in a year’s time. My team and I disembark at Topiarus, the first stop on this voyage.

Although I am off-ship before we reach the origin of the urgent summons — I am nonetheless distraught. It is the anxiety of separation. It is also the result of the intense stress that permeates the crew who are going the distance, to the edge of space, to answer the cry for help. The pressure is palpable, contagious — I feel it to my core. It terrifies me.
Continue reading Through Time & Space