Inner Moonlight



Inner Moonlight


you let lose the madness
of your inner moonlight

you and Jack

suckling life’s sweet underbelly
in the nocturnal neon zoo

both of you
and Neal
groin deep in human wallow

swilling full the brain-drug flesh festival

spewing forth
to fill all fertile ears
with the siren song of sacred dissatisfaction

your fingers burned
from dancing with the fire-whores
of truth
and indignation

you put your queer shoulder to the wheel
and rolled out the new truth
crushing apathy
to run down ignorance

you torched the darkness
with a blinding light

igniting bohemia
in a rolling demon’s fire
illuminating the night

while you danced
with every devil you could find

howling mad
and mind expanded
you ranted

you flamed

a combusting carnal fireball
for all of life’s deliciousness

ferocious appetite

longing to consume
every forbidden morsel and crumb

to gorge upon
life’s smorgasborgadelic mindfeast

in gluttonness conspiracy
with Neal
and Ken

gut full of insight
kindled by the new freedom
it was flashpoint

each blaze burned so brightly

madder men the world will not soon see

but one by one
each burned out

now a flicker
in the eyes of angles

• • •

rob kistner © 2008

photo above is Allen Ginsberg (1926 – 1997)