Sunrise Requiem

…this poem was inspired by two wonderful lines of refrain provided by Michelle McGrane



Sunrise Requiem


the afterimage has yet to dim
emblazoned in my mind
the sun fresh on the horizon
my eyes follow your graceful silhouette
moving away from me
the taste of you sweet on my lips

if you are lucky
you will carry one night with you

my gaze held fast
until there was nothing
just the rising sun
the cruel sun
that disrupted our tender night
with the promise of another
but no warning
how very dark and deep

if you are lucky
you will carry one night with you

no warning of the bitter cold
that would set upon my world
no warning that this sunrise
would burn into my heart
our final sunrise
the taste of you sweet on my lips

if you are lucky
you will carry one night with you

• • •

rob kistner © 2009


…wonderful poems found at “readwritepoem”


Seasons of Love



Seasons of Love


I take you in a park in May
in the cool Spring breeze at the end of day
on the silvered beach of a white-capped bay
at the mouth of a moonlit waterway

I take you in a tree-filled park
on a matt of fallen aspen bark
to the Summer song of a meadow lark
on a sunny day until the dark

I take you by the garden wall
in the dappled shade of a willow tall
on the scattered down of its leafy sprawl
on a crisp, and heady day in Fall

I take you by the oaken mill
‘neath an autumn tree on a grassy hill
I will take you in the early chill
when our Winter comes — I will take you still

• • •

rob kistner © 2009


…wonderful poems found at “readwritepoem”


Nocturne – video-poem





…poem was written, and multimedia production was created by: rob kistner © 2008

NOTE: To read “Nocturne” CLICK HERE


…poem submitted in response to readwritepoem prompt #85

Faster Faster



Faster Faster


lay down your weight
put down your worry
slow down your pace
cease with your hurry

soon you will get there
life rushes by
you wonder when
so harder you try

to fill up what’s empty
as faster you fly
wondering when…
who’s wondering why

• • •

rob kistner © 2009


…art piece entitled “Faster Faster” by: rob kistner © 2009


As Art Is



As Art Is


art is the source
and destination

art is the consumer
and the consumed

art is the query
and the response

art is the coming
and the going

art is the beginning
and the end

art is the light
and the enlightened

art is the sorrow
and the joy

art is the fact
and the fiction

art is the pain
and the pleasure

art is the madness
and the reason

art is
art is
as well

• • •

rob kistner © 2009



…art piece entitled “Shaman’s Dream” by: rob kistner © 1998




…this jabberwockical poem was inspired by prompt #68 at “readwritepoem”





a sweeply fine mirrormiz
with softical smile
swings a steply swell stutlybounce
in rare gurlygood style

such a scorchiful bodiface
as might burnlybad be
enstokes sultrification
that erosinates me

my steamliful brightenblinks
are maxfirenly dazened
by the engorgenality
she orbnously blazened

from dreamyton’s realmenhood
zoomens seductication
as my pumpinred’s forcliness
slammens enthrobination

bit I won’t slobbernly droolenate
on her poutifuss chubens
nor tenderliciously ogglenate
her mygodli bububbin

it’s lewdaciously nixated
to zing lovlustingly
so I slumberlush fair gurlygood

• • •

rob kistner © 2009






every second
of every minute
of every hour
of every day
of every week
of every month
of every year
of every decade
of every human life
to have ever been
now is being
or will be

is the vast
human experience

how wondrous
is our brief

• • •

rob kistner © 2009


…find links to some fine writing at “readwritepoem”


Swept Away – multimedia poem


Swept Away


• NOTE: To insure quality, this video poem is presented as a QuickTime Movie™.

• To play, please CLICK the start arrow at the left in the bar on bottom of image.