Supple Soul


…photo below entitled “Strange Fruit”, by Lucas Rocha

Supple Soul


rise up now

clad in colors
of a joyful life

rebuke the strife

tilt against convention

the prevailing norm
is a toxic storm

buck the winds of brute rebuff

stare down the face of ridicule
if buffeted by cruel
from the foolish
sadly blown off course

be not inclined to fear
nor falter
choose instead
to tame the dread

to stay ones ground
leaning hard on raw conviction

be anchored bold
and deeply hold
to the genuine
do not resent

remain flexible
to withstand the blows
of frightened those
who would see you swayed
and have you bent

your broken spirit
for so to savor

stand head high
back straight
don’t ever waver

but never rigid
prone to break

do not forsake
your heart song

wisdom is a supple soul
skewered through
by true enlightenment

pierced clean and strong
by wonder
bleeding hope
and justice

• • •

rob kistner © 2009


…poem inspired by read write image #11, seen above, found at “readwritepoem”


The Hunger



The Hunger


filled with passion
you gaze longingly
upon the tender treat
that’s spread before you


the flesh is soft
and moist
and pink
as slowly you penetrate

then gently lift

you feel the quivering mass
slide full upon your prong
to turn
and eagerly lay
upon your bed of fire

the heat consumes
as juices flow

senses stir
while desire mounts

aroused in hungry anticipation
of the ultimate pleasure
and heady bliss

that is
a perfect loin

• • •

rob kistner © 2009


…more poems of hungry passion found at “readwritepoem”


The Poets – (anatomy of a rewrite)


This poem, entitled “The Poets”, is a major rewrite inspired, over a decade later, by the original which I wrote in 1997, and which you will find following this piece…

• • • this comparative exercise was inspired by the blog “Totally Optional Prompts”

The Poets


damaged in their special ways
they like the path unclear
the route unmarked

fond of stumbling in
fumbling through
finding the way that’s theirs

engaged by the obtuse
the uneven
the asymmetric chord
they see grace and form
in brilliant imbalance

seduced by the clue
drawn to the fog
they seek the wonder
it withholds

where they long to go
is always round the bend
over the hill
behind the door

their ears prick
to the distant sound
that calls
just beyond clarity

to all these things
their souls are pulled


down the trail
in the mist
around the curve
over the crest
shut away

the clarion awaits

• • •

rob kistner © 2009


Following is the original poem from which the poem above was born. It is essentially a different poem from above, but it was this poem that inspired the writing of the other — a re-write of a reflection on the poet’s essence…

• • • This poem you are about to read was initially inspired by Bill Moyers exceptional PBS TV special and the equally wonderful subsequent book, “The Language Of Life”…

The Poet


the poet’s eye is like our eye
yet it sees life’s un-shown
and reflects it for our sight

the poet’s ear is like our ear
but it senses life’s most quiet
to resound so we might hear

the poet’s tongue is like our tongue
yet it speaks what is not spoken
and becomes the voice of truth

the poet’s hand is like our hand
yet when it reaches out
what it touches is our soul

• • •

rob kistner © 1997