

…photo below entitled “Followed by a Dream”, by Pensiero



if I could but glide
to the top of these stairs
like a bird in flight

I would soar skyward
in sweeping circles
lifted on mighty thermals

I would not be earthbound
not a prisoner of these steps
not captive by gravity

and… I would not return to work

this afternoon would be soaring
and swooping
and giving thanks
for feathers and hollow bones

• • •

rob kistner © 2009


…poem inspired by a different photo from Pensiero, the individual who created the photo seen in read write image #12, found at “readwritepoem”







reason’s blaze burned brightly
now nearly spent

insight’s coals cool
grow ashen
yet the core still dances deep amber

your flame of logic
once a vivid light
that pierced the darkness of ignorance
and narrow vision

that flared radiant
sparking inquiry

that shone as a bold beacon
a seeker’s torch
reduced now to ember

but still warming those
who draw near
and stir your smoldering wisdom

rob kistner © 2009