The Feast

This is a seond draft of a piece I wrote quickly in response to a prompt on Sunday Sribblings which proposed we create a dinner party for anyone we wish — living or dead.

I intend to continue to edit this in place here to tighten it up. It’s fun, enjoy it!


The Feast


welcome to this night’s festivity
a dinner to praise creativity
the main course is vision with a fresh side of wit
it’s time to get started, please everyone — sit

our first guest is Salvador Dali
his work’s ‘out there’ but it’s not folly
he sees life in abstract and paints with great flair
he’s taken his work where few artists would dare

may I present Mr. John Lennon
you might know the band that he plays in
clever and candid what he thinks he will say
I think he might make a difference one day

please greet Mr. Kurt Vonnegut
he cuts to the truth quite literate
his writing is brilliant, his mind so alive
hope you get the chance to read Slaughterhouse Five

this gifted woman’s Joni Mitchell
much talent and wit – she’s insightful
a beautiful mind with a magical soul
the white queen of wisdom and sweet rock’n’roll

the man to my left’s known as Ghandi
his courage is truly beyond me
he rejects violence — it’s peace he does seek
confronts anger with patience — but he’s not weak

this lady’s Amelia Earhart
she’s bold and brave – yes, she stands apart
she’s committed to a great undertaking
solo trans-global’s the flight she’s soon making

our last guest is seated beside her
a beat poet – meet Gary Snyder
honest and spiritual, incredibly smart
his poems about nature stir the mind and heart

this dinner party’s purposely small
and I hope that it satiates all
so relax and enjoy and after we’ve dined
there’ll be one final course, a feast for the mind

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rob kistner © 2009