This Fog


This Fog


it is forth from this fog
begins my journey

midst snares of habit
and chaos of distraction

provocative intrusions of impulse
their steely grip resolute
tug t’ward frenzy’s edge

yet clarity struggles
to find foothold

a tentative purchase
from whence a life
is launched and guided

confusion an insistent helmsman
steering a frantic manic course
and I a captive captain

blessed and cursed

set upon a wondrous quest
of worried fascination

ever charting port to port
troubled sea to troubled sea
on fragile footing

steadfast to overcome
to overcome
to always overcome

• • •

rob kistner © 2009


…I’m AADD with a compulsive element, and I’ve learned over the years how to manage my situation — this is a poetic reflection of my journey to understand and to cope…