
…this is a love poem, that is also a yearning for honesty, in the face of our fundamental human tendency toward insecurity and fear…


photorendering entitled: “Liberated”




I want to see you
see you naked
naked — backlit by the sun

naked — in a mountain meadow

naked — running in the rain

naked — in a flower garden

naked — lying in the surf

naked — walking in a forest deep

naked — smiling on an autumn morn

naked — in a peaceful sleep

naked — in a redrock desert

naked — by a waterfall

naked — in a gentle breeze

naked — on a silvered night
silhouette ‘gainst a sterling moon

naked — folded in my arms
with your heart and soul laid bare
all your dreams and fears exposed
every pretense stripped away


• • •

rob kistner © 2010

…poem written in response to prompt #113, found at “readwritepoem”