Shut Down

…this is a love poem, that addresses its sometimes sad impossibility…



Shut Down


I hope to find you,
Find you, the elusive,
Elusive, hiding from the light.

I want to see you,
See you, the hidden,
Hidden, cowering out of sight.

I long to know you,
Know you, the evasive,
Evasive, running, ever in flight.

I want to touch you,
Touch you, the distant,
Distant, and as dark as night.

I want to love you,
Love you, the frightened,
Frightened, damaged by your plight.

But I can’t reach you,
Reach you, so broken,
Broken, untrusting, shut down, closed tight.

• • •

rob kistner © 2010

…poem written in response to prompt #113, found at “readwritepoem”