Small Stones – trio

…below are three of my poems that have been selected by Fiona Robyn for publication on her “A Handful of Stones” poetry site. She refers to these brief works as ‘small stones’, hence the title of my post. Accompanying each of my selected poems is the date on which it will be published. I invite you to visit Fiona’s site as you will find some wonderful little gems, or rather, ‘small stones’ there…


Dark Dock
bow light hangs heavy in the fog
its beam fractured ‘cross chop water
probing for the dark dock
(publishing March 24th)


For Granted
we fall asleep each night
snug in our bed
confident of gravity
(publishing April 22nd)


green leaves on a blue pond
float in golden sun
as red birds softly sing
(publishing May 11th)

all poems by: rob kistner © 2010