




lilting golden
‘long an autumn lane
carried gentle
on the winds

the rustle of aspens
lush and hush

like the murmur
of whispered passion
from a lover’s lips
a’tremble with desire

• • •

rob kistner © 2010

• photo by: fred hanselmann ©

…to hear more murmurs go to One Single Impression

The Sculptor

Silver Falls, Oregon, USA
The Canyon Trail system leads hikers along the banks of the north and south forks of Silver Creek, to 10 majestic waterfalls, including the grand South Falls (177 feet) pictured below.



• magnified section of photo to show scale


The Sculptor


gazing upon this magnificent canyon
cut by time and current in the great rock of the earth
I marvel at the power
at the beauty
at the determination of the relentless river
sculpting this majestic work
tumbling timelessly in crystal clarity
over boulder and falls
ever onward

• • •

photo & poem by: rob kistner © 2010

here is another artist’s view of these falls…

…for more eye-candy check out this site: Scenic Sunday