Bridge of Auras



Bridge of Auras


possessed of all it is I am
I breath a sigh of longing
and wish for what it is I’m not
across the bridge of auras

I covet not a kingly right
nor scepter gold to rule a realm
I seek to fill my barren soul
across the bridge of auras

worldly wealth is not my goal
nor power over minions
enlightenment is what I seek
across the bridge of auras

• • •

rob kistner © 2010


• you can find more aura’s at One Single Impression



Two contemplations on the concept of demands:




the garment of demands
in which we’re dressed when we are young
is often awkward and ill-fitting

but the self-tailored cloak of expectation
we put on when we are grown
is far more difficult to wear

• • •




permit me to share the legend
of the man who rocked the world
luminescent — larger than life
his banner of fame unfurled

he confidently took each stage
flashed his skills with pride and power
his celebrity rocketed skyward
enormous talent, in his finest hour

a humble tempering childhood
helped him hone his mythic dream
a bright young man with wicked ‘chops’
he could make his guitars scream

his fame continued to grow
so too the demands upon his time
more nights, more travel, more concerts
but for his fans, he didn’t mind

his glory spread round the globe
renown and fortune grew unbound
like a rampant roaring wildfire
nothing it seemed would take him down

but terror struck while touring Europe
unleashing panic, fear & strife
bombs tore through the concert hall
to save his fans — he risk his life

the first blast ripped the back wall
mike in hand, he stood firm and fast
directing the people to safety
they all escaped — now he was last

it was horror in high definition
TV broadcast the heartbreaking sight
a question hung heavy over the chaos
did their hero meet death tonight

the sad truth was the top news story
the brave mega-star had died
all the world was seen to mourn
at candle vigils the people cried

so permit me to share this legend
of this remarkably brave young man
who, possessed of wealth and fame
truly never forgot the fan

• • •

poems and collage by: rob kistner © 2010

…this post was inspired by sunday scribblings