




my muse is hard to capture
though I do try each day
just goes so fast

I turn around
it’s past me in a blur
leaving little inspiration

each day becomes each night
here I sit in the wee hours
while the sane sleep
steeped in contradiction

thoughts vague
filled with doubt
words tossed about the unyielding page

I start then stop
I write then not
caught mercilessly unclear
in terminal hesitation
in quiet rage

fickle muse – please…
a spark to light this dark
that grips me like a cage

• • •

rob kistner © 2010

• photo collage entitled “Seeking the Muse” – by: rob kistner © 2007

…see who is going fast at Carry On Tuesday

…discover who is hesitating at One Single Impression



rounding a bend
brushing through waist-high fern
I crest a knoll and stop


awash in the warm brushstrokes of evening
filtered through this woodland realm
as the waning sun paints the world golden

below me
a pristine ribbon of silver-blue water
flecked with sunlight
sparkles like a strand of gems

I marvel at the beauty
at the power
of this mighty river

as it tumbles in timeless clarity
over boulder and falls
ever onward

its lyric voice
beckons me

I come
stand immersed in its energy
captivated by its duet with the wind
that plays the boughs of the towering pines
singing down the lofty climbs
to gently brush my face
toss my hair
and dance past me round a bend
in perfect harmony

serenaded in this evensong
sunset has melted into moonrise
the waters ripple sterling in soft applause

the moon sets aglow this splendid concert
so I listen

• • •

rob kistner © 2010


• photographs taken near my home in the Cascade Mountain foothills

top photo entitled: “Sunlight on the Clackamas”
bottom photo entitled: “Moon over the Santiam”


…this edited rewrite of an older work of mine was inspired by sunday scribblings





unfurling in linear spiral
time escapes into the future
tethered to the past
ever captive in the now

over and over
repeating in my head
these same strange words
the same chilling voice
over and over

unfurling in linear spiral
time escapes into the future
tethered to the past
ever captive in the now

always the same fevered dream
the fear
the guilt
the regret

I am fallen
unable to lift my head

it’s then I see him
see him coming
slowly out of the mist
always coming

his sour smile

I want to rise up
run at him
scream at him
strike at him

run from him

but I cannot
I cannot

again that haunting voice

unfurling in linear spiral
time escapes into the future
tethered to the past
ever captive in the now

but what
what does it mean

I’m going
going — I think
going mad

what does it mean

why — charles
it means nothing
and everything

and yes — charles
you are going mad

who are you
how do you know my name
why won’t you leave
leave me alone
what do you want!


why – you, charles
tethered to your past
ever captive in this now

• • •

rob kistner © 2010

Running Out


Running Out


he runs his fingers through her hair
tears run down his cheeks
he holds her near
too late protected

he runs the events
over and over in his mind
the horrible events

our golden lab
running out into the street
you running out after
right into the path

run down

why did you run

now time
and your precious life
running out
running out

• • •

rob kistner © 2010

…discover what else is running at One Single Impression






keep right came the response
redirecting the runner
in reaction to his rapid-fire request regarding the route

racing recklessly in redoubled resolve
certain this resurgence would redeem his rough start
he ran rampant

refusing to relinquish his radical pace
no longer rambling
he raged like a rogue renegade

determination renewed
hope refueled
spirit refreshed
his belief was rekindled that a resounding victory would result
if he would just run

his rally realized
lungs raw and ragged
he rocketed ‘cross the finish line
reared his head
and roared raucously

arms raised in release
tears rolling in relief
he rejoiced

• • •

rob kistner © 2010

…discover what else is running at One Single Impression

So Amusing

…this is a fond homage to Theodor Seuss Geisel and Sheldon Alan Silverstein…



So Amusing


what is it you find so amusing my dear
perhaps it’s the fact I have only one ear
it makes it difficult to accurately hear
so you’ll have to speak that much louder I fear

yes it’s true, as you see, I have only my right
the left was cut off in a terrible fight
and I have not been quite the same since that night
it’s hard to be happy when you’re a pitiful sight

my glasses are impossible to keep on my face
and my hat just refuses to stay in its place
where there once was an ear I have only a space
but having one ear surely is no disgrace

with only a right ear my intake’s askew
I only hear things from a right point of view
so my right point of view I assume to be true
and therefore it’s righteous — what I think and do

now what is it you find so amusing my dear
I hope you’re not laughing at my missing ear
I suggest you had better stop pointing, you hear
’cause a righteous right-eared man is someone to fear

• • •

rob kistner © 2010

…discover what else is so amusing at Carry On Tuesday