
…I share this piece I wrote in the descending 3rd evening, of a horrible 4 days, not as my primary contribution to day 3 of National Poetry Month, but in light of the RWP topic “fear” — as a way to reach out to others who may, at times, suffer the debilitating horror of extreme manic depression. This ‘elevator’ can take you so very high, but when it falls… however, it can be overcome if one recognizes it, faces it, and refuses — everyday — to give it victory…



there is a darkness

I have known its presence
encountered its essence

it frightens me
it frightens me because it is
because it is so very devious
all-consuming if granted license

it lurks in shadow

collecting the dark matter
that steals into my life
into my heart
all the grief

all the terror
that has ensnared me in times of weakness
all the empty blackness that has befallen me
that has found a corner of my soul in which to hide
to sulk
secure foothold
like an awful seed taking root

here it grows
here it dwells
manacled and restrained in times of strength
kept in check by my decent self
my self that loves
that embraces possibility
my sacred self that nurtures
that fosters empowerment


my inner-dwelling light
does not always shine so bright

does not always hold sway
nor control my inner darkness
my inner darkness has great cunning
powerful influence

it is at times quite un-containable

this darkness
that has fed upon the horror
that has been visited upon me

the betrayal the abuse
the unthinkable loss
that has compounded and festered
that has become animate
as if an entity unto itself
that has gripped and driven me


driven me to a perverse unholy bitterness
wholly unable
to fend off the clutches of this malevolence

it is on occasion far easier
even desirable
to succumb to these dark forces
that promise relief
falsely entice with imagined satisfaction

but there is no quick release from the pain
from the sorrow
that is an inherent component of life

one must endure
and be tempered invincible by this endurance
steadfast in the crucible of resistance

but the inner-mounting darkness
will ever seduce
its tug is powerful

I pray here tonight
as I am swept up
in bittersweet memory of you
overwhelmed by the sorrow of loss

I pray that the darkness
does not sense that I am vulnerable
does not prey upon my growing distress
that falls shadow-like across my soul
that veils my resolve
my courage

I pray that the black void
does not birth the despair
the anger that begets my other
my alter
my poison self
that I so detest

…and fear

• • •

rob kistner © 2010


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NaPoWriMo #3 – The Leap / New Life

This is my third post for National Poetry Month 2010
• one free verse poem
• one haiku


…facing one’s fear…


The Leap


she need not be frightened
she knows the moves
sees the steps
clearly in her mind

she knows the stride
the position of her body
just before elevation

she understands the speed
the run up
the lead foot
the plant angle
the knee bend
the thrust

she has done this
literally thousands of repetitions
no need for trepidation

she knows the energy of the moment
of the crowd
as they anticipate
as she anticipates
the lift off
the rise

the glorious weightlessness
the thrill of flying
the feel of returning to earth
to her toes
her feet
how to offset the momentum

to snap to a graceful stop
come to point
straight and strong
arms raised and extended

the applause
that exhilaration

she knows this all
to her bones

she can do this
in her sleep

she has this mastered
she is a master dancer


that flash of doubt
and again
she fails

there is now one leap
she fears she cannot master

the leap
back through time
to her youth
to her glory
her invincibility

she leaps

she will always

• • •




New Life


wife in her mud shoes

clatter in the potting shed

soon will come new life

• • •

poem and haiku by: rob kistner © 2010


…for more fearless NaPoWriMo 2010 poems: readwritepoem