



presented for your consideration
and time

time is relative
a fleeting thing

so how does one keep time
to keep is to hold
or maintain
something in your possession

it would seem
given the insubstantial nature
of time
that one cannot

with time
being the core component
of a deadline
and time unable to be ‘kept’
the logical deduction
is that a deadline
is therefore unable to be ‘kept’

it would also seem
that it is not fully clear
just what a deadline is

is it a relative point
projected into the future
and given arbitrary importance

is it a connection
between telephones
that has gone quiet

is it a boundary
drawn around a prison
beyond which escapees are shot

is it filament with hook
presented to catch fish
that has lost its bait

when considering
this additional uncertainty
why all the fuss about deadlines

in the pursuit
of things relative
and uncertain

love is the more glorious

• • •

rob kistner © 2010


…catch more pursuit of deadlines at Sunday Scribblings

NaPoWriMo #12 – Look Poet / Croissants

This is my twelfth post for National Poetry Month 2010
• one free verse poem
• one haiku


…this piece was inspired by a prompt by Carolee Sherwood over at read write poem…



Look Poet


do not weave
your fabric of myth
or speak to us in grand verse
telling of the song
of the spheres
or the days
before this dark time

help us see
the real place of light
hear the clear voice of truth
know the pure heart of justice

look poet
look at the terrible suffering
tell us where that is birthed

tell us how to see
with our own eyes
so that we might reach in
and tear out the pain
uproot the sorrow
crush the evil

you see many things poet
but you talk in riddles
you avoid the cold
and the hard way
for the soft path
of platitudes
and metaphors
of meter and rhyme
but this is not the time

look poet
look into the fire
feel it burn your eyes
char your soul
tell us how that feels

let us hear you scream
rally us
set us ablaze

lift your pen
like a sword
and strike down
the imbalance

show us the grip
and we will join the battle

but you must tell us
tell us what is real
in the power
that is plain language

we will listen

• • •






fragrance of baked dough

aroma of warm butter

croissants tasty hot

• • •

poem and haiku by: rob kistner © 2010


…for more poems about other roads left untraveled, go to readwritepoem