NaPoWriMo #18 • part 2 – Mask

This is part 2 of my eighteenth post for National Poetry Month 2010



…these two free verse poems are inspired by prompt #112 at One Single Impression…





evening breezes freshen
a wind chime hangs in the eave
rings time to time

we sit with dinner
little resonance

we care for one another
our love
goes without saying

meal finished
we clear the table
converse very little
no need
we know each other
know without saying

task done
we part quietly
me to my keyboard
you to read

sunset paints the deck soft amber
tubular bells welcome twilight

a silent shadow lurks

I reflect
times we’ve hurt each other
caused thoughtless pain

that carelessness forgiven
we are bound
goes without saying

brisk wind greets day’s end
chimes pleasantly keep pace

turbulence stirs as I type

I wonder of our happiness
surely we are
goes without saying

why is it we do not say
so much we never say

we wear masks of silence
to hide the vulnerable face of love

how dangerously foolish

my heart wants to cry out
shatter the stillness
rouse you from your pulp & plot

talk with me
it shouts
I lift my mask
see me now
see me new

talk with me
I can still surprise

let us speak what is not spoken
unmask what’s in our hearts
before love is gone

without ever saying

• • •



The Mask


the other smoulders
when donned the mask
the fantasy that you desire
heart of passion
on wings of dreams
when she is the other

unleashed at light of moon
brought forth at your request
sustained at her delight

she is isis
she is venus
she is your every longing
to bring you every pleasure

she is everything
and all of this
with aphrodite’s kiss

beneath the mask
the real bliss
your precious wife
your treasure

• • •

rob kistner © 2010

• 1st art piece entitled “Gamayn”
• 2nd art piece entitled “Peacock”
both fabulous works by: Marilena Mexi


…to read NaPoWriMo #18 • part 1, CLICK HERE


…like masks like I do, click here

NaPoWriMo #18 – Human Arrogance

This is my eighteenth post for National Poetry Month 2010
• one free verse poem
• one tanka


• inspired by Irene’s day 18 read write poem prompt / and #49 at carry on tuesday


…a thing of beauty is a joy forever, a captive wild soul — is a tragedy




from rippled sinew black as midnight
bores a stare of molten gold

a furious but calm inferno
searing deep to burn your soul

I watch helpless this panther’s pace
held captive in this foolish zoo

cold eyes rivet snarled contempt
unfathomed pools of quiet rage

on this panther paces paces
turns and paces back he paces

graceful stride of brute resolve
presses on to test the limit

proud this captive soul just paces
frustration turns anger retraces

this brutal prison of false environ
does not fool this mighty beast

observe how he continues pacing
instinct certain this is not home

his piercing gaze fixed well beyond
his suffered fate of cruel confine

see the panther pacing pacing
his nature steeled his spirit strong

relentless sorrow wild longing
drive on and on his constant stride

this will not break his fierce resolve
he tracks freedom he stalks life

imprisoned he will forever pace
and he will pace

and he will die

• • •




Out Of Step


nature is a dance

transcendent syncopation

rhythmic side by side

but the chorus line falters

humankind is out of step

• • •

• poem and tanka by: rob kistner © 2010

…collage just above entitled “Nature’s Anger” by: rob kistner © 2006
…panther image digitally rendered & edited by: rob kistner 2010 — base image source anonymous…


…check out what’s prowling over at readwritepoem