Emerald Eyes

This poem is offered in response to prompt #25 for 2010 at Writer’s Island,
also offered “off-topic” to the October 15th prompt at Big Tent Poetry.

Emerald Eyes


emerald eyes captivate
fix me in their gaze
lift me
carry me
to the realm of unfinished dreams

they strip me of fear
of inhibition
to render me transparent

I rise weightless
unburdened of care
an untethered being of pure moment
soaring through universes within universes

a traveler in time and space
ever-expanding consciousness
aware of all
riding the strand continuum
drawing it forward
reeling it back
slipping all temporal bounds

a being of universal presence
adrift in the infinite now
lost in the mystery
veiled in those emerald eyes

• • •

rob kistner © 2010