The Null

The Null


beyond presence
beyond peerless
beyond the vexing
temporal fray

like unto you
there is no other
and would it be
no other way

you are my yin
and I your yang
in balanced oneness
we will stay

and so it is
until forever
beyond even still
the dying day

even still
the lightless coming

even still
all timeless void

and when it spirals
down to naught
shall you endure
yet undestroyed

• • •

rob kistner © 2010

Vespers Prayer

Vespers Prayer


sun sits low on the horizon
dusk slowly advances
the chill of night begins to settle
all the dreams have gone to bed

I sit quiet
close by the fire
soothed by its crackling glow
warmed by the memories
that huddle ‘round me

from far into the past
they drift forward
through the years
they visit gentle
one by one
memories of those
I’ve been blessed to love
a tender tear for every one

there is a sweetness fills the air
just a touch of soft regret
my heart is full
my spirit calm
a peaceful surrender
to fate’s embrace

would this evening never end
but soon
the flames will falter
as the lingering embers die
and as the dark
blankets my chamber

I pray to be carried
away in sleep

• • •

rob kistner © 2010


• this is the final in a series of edits of a poem I first drafted in 1997
it was born of my contempt for the barbarous act of caging wild animals in a zoo •

this final edit inspired by prompt #24 at Writer’s Island,
prompt #23 at We Write Poems,
and prompt #74 at Carry on Tuesday

…a thing of beauty is a joy forever, a captive wild soul — is a tragedy




from rippled sinew black as midnight
bores a stare of molten gold

a furious but calm inferno
searing deep to burn your soul

unyielding is this panther’s pace
held captive in this foolish zoo

cold eyes rivet snarled contempt
unfathomed pools of quiet rage

on this panther paces paces
turns and paces back he paces

graceful stride of brute resolve
presses on to test his bounds

proud this captive soul just paces
frustration turns anger retraces

this brutal prison of false environ
does not fool this mighty beast

observe how he continues pacing
instinct certain this is not home

his piercing gaze fixed well beyond
his suffered fate of cruel confine

see the panther pacing pacing
his nature steeled his spirit strong

relentless sorrow wild longing
drive on and on his constant stride

this will not break his fierce resolve
he tracks freedom he stalks life

imprisoned he will forever pace
and he will pace

and he will die

• • •



caged beast close your eyes

have no fear of letting go

dream of wild freedom

• • •

rob kistner © 2010


…I might find it interesting to believe that we are not alone in this universe within universes. I believe ‘others’ are observing us, and are concerned by our behavior. Called many things through the ages, such as “travelers”, “those that are”, “angles”, among others: I believe they have been here, and perhaps some of us have been there. As adults most of us grow suspicious, skeptical, closed, and therefore unreceptive, potentially even dangerous — so these ‘others’ make their presence known only to the pure of heart, who still possess their sense of wonder. They come in dreams, visions, and apparitions.

Centuries and millenniums ago, when the world was less devastatingly violent, they visited more often. Graphic and oral evidence of their visitations are found in every culture. These ‘miraculous’ events, misunderstood by less sophisticated early humans, became the ‘seeds’ of the world’s current religions.

These ‘others’ seek to know us but they are frightened by our growing self-directed global hatred and paranoia — especially now fueled by our many technologies of death and destruction. They now consider us unapproachable. I’m not certain when or how large-scale contact will be made, but it will eventually happen — in spite of the ‘if-or-not’ of alien abduction and probing.

Inherently we humans have come to know, but not fully comprehend, the essence of this reality of impending contact. Through the distorted lense of fractured history and our fear, I believe we have, over time, come to call this ultimate contact by many names, some positive, some negative; names such as the rapture, apocalypse, end of days, armageddon, and the like. Though we perhaps misinterpret the nature of this amazing future event — contact is coming. This I might believe, if I could believe anything. In that spirit I wrote and offer this sci-fi poem…





the dual suns
still crisp and bright
warm me as I journey
painting the strange landscape in vivid presence
this alien world
yet fascinating

I embarked at midday’s solar convergence
senses alive and alert
consumed by the thrill of exploration
heady with anticipation of discovery
I believed today I would make contact

I would connect

but it is day’s end
moonfall descends upon this severe terrain
early shadows fall across my face
a veiled foreboding settles upon me

there are many shadows here
other shadows
odd shadows

disturbing specters
that disrupt my nights
disquiet my soul
steal my peace
they come unannounced
almost imperceptible

but no time for worry
there is still far to go
I am eager to move
drawn by the need to reach my ship
to reach safety

yet here I stand
momentarily motionless
immobile with dread
yet captivated by the haunting beauty
that is this planet’s rising moon
a translucent blue fractal orb
ever changing

I shudder and sober
turn into the evening breeze
and venture onward
immersed in rolling amber and coral
spread glorious to the horizons
of this foreign world
receding with the setting suns

again the shadows shift
dull confusion finds me
I lose my pace
draw up in momentary halt

nagging concern engulfs me
panic pierces my solace
bewilderment grips me
it holds me
uncomfortable in my skin

these feelings sweep over me
clouding briefly my purpose
obscuring my destination

then they waft
I see across the darkening valley
my shuttle craft
my safety

urgently I proceed
but again my mind fogs
I wander
and once more lose focus

an eerie mist settles like a shroud
moonfall is coming
coming much too quickly
the frightening night noises
unsettling dreams

mounting alarm
I believe I am in trouble

a sense of peril gnaws
paralyzing fear
fear I will not make it back
before these suns go dark

I am afraid to lose this light
afraid to loose my way

so afraid

• • •

rob kistner © 2010


NOTE: this was originally posted 2/25/10

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