Vespers Prayer

Vespers Prayer


sun sits low on the horizon
dusk slowly advances
the chill of night begins to settle
all the dreams have gone to bed

I sit quiet
close by the fire
soothed by its crackling glow
warmed by the memories
that huddle ‘round me

from far into the past
they drift forward
through the years
they visit gentle
one by one
memories of those
I’ve been blessed to love
a tender tear for every one

there is a sweetness fills the air
just a touch of soft regret
my heart is full
my spirit calm
a peaceful surrender
to fate’s embrace

would this evening never end
but soon
the flames will falter
as the lingering embers die
and as the dark
blankets my chamber

I pray to be carried
away in sleep

• • •

rob kistner © 2010