Tell Me

Tell Me



the sweet paradox
the great mystery
the heart’s quandary

tell me what you know
about the giving
the receiving

tell me please
what you know
about love

about connection

about the magic >+< of the sync

for together
feels always
feels only


• • •

rob kistner © 2011


…to loved ones missed, now sadly departed…



after the clutter of leaving
after the hurry of goodbye
after sweet anticipation faded away

after no more embraces
after the laughter was memory
after the sadness collected day upon day

after the spaces fell empty
after the familiar grew distant
after our time together had become the past

after the taste of regret
after the loneliness mounted
after sands in the glass spilled away much too fast

I did not think it would be this quiet
I did not think it would seem so far
no I did not know it could be so quiet
nor did I know how this silence would scar

• • •

rob kistner © 2011





let us dare
sweet lust’s advance
to intertwine
in love’s enhance

I burn to offer
love’s special kiss
to fire your soul
in passion’s bliss

to enfold you deep
in nocturne’s hour
to taste the nectar
of your tender flower

you are the dream
that I adore
my one desire
to love you more

• • •

rob kistner © 2011

• linked at Magpie Tales

The Dimming


The Dimming


here is the change

the forgetting

the slipping away
into the haze of memory

the frustration
of no longer being able
and still
the burning longing to…

and you
dimming in this fog
midst the times we have cherished
the places we have loved
fading beyond reach

an ever-mounting loneliness
like so many vacant seats


• • •

rob kistner © 2011

• linked at Magpie Tales

Together True


Together True


you came to me
deep in my summer
on the wings of spring

filled with hope and wonder
fresh and sweet
as nature’s nectar

you brought my heart to quicken
breathed new life
to fill my soul

awakening forgotten passion
the stir of dreams
the fire of joy

we’ve lived life in celebration
touched mystery
embraced the awe

never ran away from trouble
the good and bad
we faced head on

we’ve traveled now into our winter
a place of challenge
a time of change

though the chill is at the door
still we’re blessed
with nurtured warmth

no matter what life’s weather threatens
we’re ever wrapped
in love’s embrace

side by side as was our promise
together true
to journey’s end

• • •

rob kistner © 2011





do you hear the autumn wind
stirring in the branches

do you hear the leaves rustle

do you hear my breath
whispering your name

do you hear my heart beat

do you hear my tears fall

or is it silent

silent as the light-less realm
that hauntingly engulfs my soul

silent as that night
when apples spilled
on the broken stair
where rail eluded
your grasping hand

silent as your futile cry
when no voice came
to grace your lips

tender lips
that parted gently
to hold my kiss


that will not know again
sweet fruit

nor love

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2011


poem & image above inspired by visual prompt below

* linked 2011 at Magpie Tales

* linked 2020 at Poets & Storytellers

Two Moments

These are two poems about two powerful and indelible life-moments I shared with my son Justin.

The first “Night Sky” is about the courageous moment he chose, at age fourteen, to leave his mother’s home to move across our country, to live with me in Oregon — through the years of his high school and college graduations, and his early career. This was an incredible gift he gave me.

The second, “Book of Days”, is about the moment, two days ago, when he and his wife Christine, moved from Oregon to pursue a career advancement — a deeply bittersweet moment for me.


Night Sky


you arrived in spring
asking why I’d left

I had no good response
but the other shoe had fallen
with a deafening thud
so what was I to do

you looked startled by life
and asked me about sorrow

I had no good response
so I took you in
and watched as you untangled truth
marveling at your balance

for 19 years
together we watched the night sky
and wondered about love

• • •

rob kistner © 2011

Book of Days


in the book of days
clearly it is written
your time for moving on
beyond the reach of yesterday

in this book of days
so too is it written
clearly mine grow short
my grasp loosens on tomorrow

our miles apart grow greater
our time together lessens
as you pursue the future
I slip further in the past

and per the book of days
this is the way of nature
the son becomes the father
the father bows away

yet stands this father’s dream
would that this space between
but vanish with this pain
of bittersweet farewell

that the book somehow rewritten
would bend both time and space
and my days once more
stretch full to your horizon

• • •

rob kistner © 2011