Golden Lady


Golden Lady


golden lady in sensuous silk
a beauty sure to mesmerize
sculpted by a master’s hand
so seductive as to scandalize

a stare of comely crystal blue
floats above a ruby pout
spellbound by her magic eyes
she holds your soul with no way out

her tongue tip teases her top lip’s edge
like a supple paintbrush flowing
her smile will fire and hypnotize
then wrap around you knowing

you are now her helpless captive
quite hopelessly addicted
in the velvet grip of this smoldering waif
is she an angel — or is she wicked

• • •

rob kistner © 2011

• linked at Magpie Tales


image by Bert Stern

The Journey


The Journey


beckoned to the final tide
called forth by the ferryman
spirit stirs to the distant voice
that draws you to the journey

caught still in this mortal realm
soul resigned to embarkation
time folding in upon
as slow you approach the vessel

• • •

rob kistner © 2011

• linked at Magpie Tales


image by Mostafa Habibi

Rebel Rebel

…I republish this piece today in fond memory of John…


“we all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun”


Rebel Rebel


I’ll not listen
not be shackled
not be handled
not be ruled

I’ll not be managed
nor be played
or be fooled

you sure as hell
will not tell


or why

what you offer
I’m not taking

your extended hand
I am not shaking

the world I walk
is of my making


I will not have it
any other way

your iron fist
I destroyed it

your sage advice
I avoid it

you can
and preach

your approval
I do not beseech

I seek only
my good counsel

I’ll not succumb
to might
or muscle

not be swayed
by your slick hustle

I am a man
of my own mind

and I will live
as my own man

this is all
I want to be


and free

• • •

rob kistner © 2008


image at top entitled: “Lennon”

10/9/40 – 12/8/80

• • •


…inspired by writing prompt #54, found at “readwritepoem”.

Our True Work

Something life’s experiences have taught me: seeing the world for what it is makes you smart, envisioning the world for what it can be – makes you wise…


Our True Work


there are countless contradictions
in the elements of the work we do
and conflictions as we strive
but bring these not to table

for I am you
and you are me
and we are all together
in this constant labor
for our daily bread

and this toil to sustain the body
this does not feed the spirit
this is not our true work

to lift someone in need
to measure well in tolerance
to seek the components of peace
to create enduring possibility

this is the true work
in the final sweep
‘round the face of time

this is what the soul eats

• • •

rob kistner © 2011

• linked at Magpie Tales and OSI