These People


These People


these people

that begrudge me my juicy burgers
or my rare filet mignon

that look down their nose
at my slathered baby backs

or sneer with disdain
as I tear into a buttery veal chop

these people

their cutting condemnation
because I’m devouring
a cut of impeccably seasoned loin
like it’s some violation of nature

think about it

if this were’t the natural way
there wouldn’t be A1 sauce

and you’re going to tell me
Mr. Weber had zucchini on his mind
when he created the kettle grill


if the 4-legged critters
had the gumption to organize
and effectively resist
their inevitable transformation
into steaks and chops

or even act mildly indignant
regarding their situation

I might think differently

but they simply
go with the flow

quite content
to fatten up
on the free grub

and loll about all day
in the free accommodations

and as I savor
their perfectly turned succulence
I’m damned grateful for their indifference

these people

let them eat soup


~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2012

  • Incidentally, my lovely wife is a vegetarian, and loves soup…

  • Phoning Home

  • With a subtle nod to Doug Adams…

    Phoning Home


    in the dream it was so beautiful
    radiant and magical
    standing in the clearing
    glowing like a rainbow

    I rolled up full of wonder
    on my tried and trusty Huffy
    was this a pay phone of promise
    a hot line of human hope

    could this be “the” help line
    the cosmic clear connection
    at the end of the universe
    humankind’s “one call”

    had this ultimate task
    fallen fatefully now to me
    the chance we’d waited for so long
    to right what had gone so wrong

    perhaps I deemed it far too heavy
    this call for our deliveance
    maybe it was plain and simple
    lift the receiver place the call

    perhaps it can be dialed up
    ordered in like carry out
    with some extra insight
    and a bit of empathy on the side

    or with this special connection
    have it beamed down here to earth
    from a mothership high above
    the mothership of love

    with emboldened anticipation
    I eagerly forged ahead
    lifted the receiver from the cradle
    cupped my ear to better hear

    the line was dead

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2012

    Morning’s Pardon

  • Morning brings we fallen mortals forgiveness and hope…

    Morning’s Pardon


    fallen into night’s embrace
    held down by dark shadows
    I writhe in the arms of nightmare

    would that I could rise
    into the light of dawn’s nod
    but I’m flesh, weak, consumed by flesh

    purity laid raw entangled in my sin
    skin to skin with my obsession
    restrained to roil in my transgression

    but soon the light of morne
    will fold itself upon me pardoned
    oh pray I not be too far drawn asunder

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2012

    A Jell-O Fellow


    A Jell-O Fellow


    I love jell-O
    I have always loved jell-O

    I love to eat jell-O
    sculpt with jell-O
    throw jell-O
    squirt jell-O through the gap ‘tween my front teeth
    squish jell-O through my fingers
    even rub jell-O on my bodd-ee
    and my lover’s

    lime jell-O
    lemon jell-O
    grape apple and orange jell-O
    raspberry strawberry and blueberry jell-O

    but I especially love my cherry jell-O
    my shiny red wiggly cherry jell-O

    and to all those who believe
    “you can’t take it with you”


    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2012