Phoning Home

  • With a subtle nod to Doug Adams…

    Phoning Home


    in the dream it was so beautiful
    radiant and magical
    standing in the clearing
    glowing like a rainbow

    I rolled up full of wonder
    on my tried and trusty Huffy
    was this a pay phone of promise
    a hot line of human hope

    could this be “the” help line
    the cosmic clear connection
    at the end of the universe
    humankind’s “one call”

    had this ultimate task
    fallen fatefully now to me
    the chance we’d waited for so long
    to right what had gone so wrong

    perhaps I deemed it far too heavy
    this call for our deliveance
    maybe it was plain and simple
    lift the receiver place the call

    perhaps it can be dialed up
    ordered in like carry out
    with some extra insight
    and a bit of empathy on the side

    or with this special connection
    have it beamed down here to earth
    from a mothership high above
    the mothership of love

    with emboldened anticipation
    I eagerly forged ahead
    lifted the receiver from the cradle
    cupped my ear to better hear

    the line was dead

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2012