Far Beyond


Far Beyond


sorrowful darkness does descend
the hands of chilling grief extend
your forever knocks at the door
losing you I can’t comprehend

I’m drowning in my bitter tears
I am consumed by my worst fears
my soul is broken evermore
as my life’s meaning disappears

barter and pleading stain my lips
slip through my clutching fingertips
scatter useless across the floor
as far beyond your frail life slips

I’m shattered to my very core
it is for mercy I implore
let me delay that open door
to kiss your tender lips once more

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019

I wanted there to be believable grief and sorrow, and bargaining – everything that would be a normal part of a deep love relationship when one of the partners departs this earth. At the same time, in the midst of grief, I wanted tenderness. He is distraught, but madly in love still – as he has been for years. This not an easy good bye. I chose the image of the dying rose, because even in its death it holds firmly to that which made it beautiful in life. Just as he tries to hold on to what was beautiful in their relationship. Bitter-sweet!

This poem is 8 syllables per line, exnctly the same as Robert Frost’s “Stopping By A Woods On A Snowy Evening”. The rhyme pattern to my piece here is: AABA CCBC DDBD BBBB


Click here to read my “light filled” rubaiyat

Click here to read a variation of this rubaiyat

  • Check out more great poems at dVerse:

    Poetry Forms – The Rubaiyat

  • Consternated




    wee hours
    with the sane asleep
    I’m steeped in consternation
    no inspiration

    my thoughts vague
    I’m filled with doubt
    caught in merciless hesitation
    words tossed about
    the unyielding page

    fickle muse please
    a spark
    to light this dark
    that grips me like a cage

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Check out more Quadrilles at dVerse:

    Quadrille #72

  • Wisdom Of The Ancients

    sculpture by: Rose “Bean” Simpson

    Wisdom of the Ancients


    in this earthen abode
    the voices of your elders
    rose with the night fire
    a sacred chant in rich voice
    as the flames roared
    and they danced

    a hallowed blaze
    of enlightenment

    warming you
    with the knowledge
    of the ancestors

    but the footsteps
    are but echos
    while the sacred fire
    is dying

    its embers
    now near ashen
    but still the heart’s aglow

    in a world out of balance
    who will again stir to flame
    their smoldering wisdom
    and dance the steps of knowledge

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • comment on the modern human’s loss of balance with the natural world

  • Love Joy


    Love Joy


    forgive me for craving intoxicating sips
    blame the sweet nectar of your tender lips
    as I dance your flesh with eager fingertips

    stir your soul with passionate tongue whips
    while painting your thighs in sensuous nips
    until caught in ecstasy – your love joy drips

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click here to discover blame & forgiveness at dVerse:

    Blame and Forgiveness

  • Click below here to read more Quadrilles at dVerse:

    Quadrille #74

  • Of My Own Flesh

  • It was a pleasure writing for many years, inspired by the visual prompts at both “Magpie Tales” and “Writer’s Island”. Both are gone now several years. I am thrilled to have now found Hélène Vaillant’s Willow Poetry! This is my first, of what will be regular responses to her wonderful weekly visuals.


    Of My Own Flesh


    as I cautiously round the bend
    and pass beyond the icy knoll
    I catch my first sight of it
    the cursed final destination
    of my long treacherous journey
    the castle of Zwénne the Lesser
    once my home, now foreign to me

    this castle is most ominous
    since becoming Overlord of the Realm
    Zwénne has rejected our father’s example
    no celebration resounds the greatrooms
    no joy warms the hallways, or towers
    this long proud and mighty old structure
    now a soulless abode of dark magic

    it has become cold and foreboding
    and rumored most dangerous
    even deadly for those that dare enter
    but I know they are not just rumors
    there is undoubtedly a murderous evil
    that dwells within its walls
    undead and otherworldly evil

    since conjuring the spirit
    of Döxys, the blood beast
    and having been thus possessed
    Zwénne has become bloodthirsty
    mindlessly violent and cruel
    now a ruthless predator
    whom I have come to slay

    would that this task were not mine
    but I have been charged herewith
    by the supreme council of wizards
    Zwénne is my fallen elder brother
    and by decree, under this 3rd moon
    in the presence of his perverse court
    by my hand alone, he must die

    no turning back now, this must be done
    and I must do it, but I am terrified
    I hesitate at the heavy castle door
    attempting to gain much needed composure
    I slow my heartbeat, steady my breathing
    I lift the iron latch, the lock clicks
    the massive door unseats inwardly

    this is it, fate has dealt the cards
    I am both prisoner and executioner
    trapped hopelessly in this horrible plot
    I search my soul to find the courage
    to take the life of my own flesh & blood
    I swing the door open ever so gradually
    eyes darting, mind racing, heart pounding

    I step in…

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below here to read more poetry on Willow Poetry:


    32AD0E85-B0A5-4D6D-B19A-E51CD04E0C53DAY 13

  • Zak the Protector

  • “In the spirit of video games I wrote a fantasy fable poem. For further fun I used every game name that Sarah posted, and in the exact order she posted them. Hope you like this.”


    Zak the Protector


    the mysterious lady
    in the dark red dress
    fully intended to burrow
    into my immortal soul
    some kind of hellish mine craft

    she was a daughter of diablo
    she was so very young
    but definitely about to blossom
    blasting off to planet gorgeous
    but this beauty was deadly

    she swooped into my life
    as might some space invaders
    swift powerful and cunning
    true to her vowed assassin’s creed
    she was sworn to be the ruin of me

    tempting me with her honey mine
    and I certainly considered it
    luscious as it promised to be
    but I was fully alert to her scheme
    my senses on overwatch

    I was acutely hyper-vigilant
    the portal to my soul
    would not fall open to her
    she would not be my doom
    I knew her dark agenda

    It was foretold in the elder scrolls
    but her tantilizing voice was seductive
    words rolled from her supple lips
    sugar sweet as enchanted candy
    crushing the will of the weak

    but I would not be lost
    not drawn helplessly intoxicated
    into her heady myst of lies
    my destiny was to defeat this devil
    to denounce her evil unreal fantasies

    I am Zak – protector of this safe space
    warning all harboring dark intent
    to steer clear of this sacred realm
    trespassers will feel my power quake
    like a vengeful angered god of war

    my torchlight of blessed welcome
    burns always for the pure of heart
    but I will drive the dark souls
    back down the stoney path of exile
    lost into the pit of the damned

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Playing games at dVerse…

    Games night!

    Click here to read my post to the dVerse prompt: THE KISS

  • Bones Of Rivers


    Bones Of Rivers


    the bones
    of natural rivers

    with the ghosts
    of salmon

    of human disregard
    for nature

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

  • This poem is inspired by the destruction Pacific Northwest Hydroelectric companies are doing to the regions rivers, and the populations of native fish!


    Click here to discover more harbingers at dVerse.


    Hedone’s Daughter

  • Socially Sidetracked


    Socially Sidetracked


    At 72, I have grown up immersed in a climate of blatant prejudices, and the related verbal slurs. I have also been exposed first hand to the social movements that have arisen to strike out against the prejudices harbored against race, gender, sexual preference, ethnicity, physical disability, age, and others. While not personally engaged in these movements, I have always felt they were just.

    However, I have learned that in addition, I’ve also been “unconsciously” conditioned not to recognize the more subtle prejudices that now have a social light shined upon them. I am not knowingly prejudice because I feel no animosity toward these groups I mentioned. I grew up with, and still have “black” friends, “gay” fellow band members, and a “ Chinese woman” doctor. These are people I value as part of my life. I ‘think’ benignly at times with these adjectives in association with them, never voicing such. There’s no thought or intent of it being a form of prejudice. It is simply what I understand I see when I look.

    I know the terms that I consider derogatory descriptors, find them highly objectionable, and don’t use them, out of respect and decency. But in recent years, exposed to the PC environment, these terms are now prejudicial. It is a very confusing time for this old man. Difficult to be learning that these terms are now considered to be provocative, that I’m apparently hopelessly preconditioned to be insensitive, even prejudiced. There are terms and acronyms today, related to sex and gender, completely unfamiliar to me.

    As I said, this is confusing to this old man. I am trying to learn, but with my health and age essentially isolating me from daily social interaction for the past 8 years – it is hard to know what constitutes evolving PC thinking. Difficult to realize you’re out of step.

    hard to discover
    I’m a stranger in my world
    socially sidetracked

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


    dVerse Poetics: On Privilege

    Steeply Steeply


    Steeply Steeply


    steeply steeply
    true love hovers steeply
    high overhead
    the lover’s climb
    it’s said

    it’s rewarding frustration
    full of emotion
    at times exasperation
    mostly devotion

    the climb can have distraction
    sometimes lack satisfaction
    leave one hanging in air
    yet committed to share
    love’s ellusive heart

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Check out more Quadrilles at dVerse:

    Quadrille #72

  • Distant Farewell


  • Far-Worlds Corp research space schooner “Thadius”

    Distant Farewell


    “I’ve watched
    golden fire clouds,
    hanging in pale green skies,
    over the azure seas of Toluras

    I’ve seen the copper leaves
    of the parmus fronds
    flashing from indigo mountains
    in the crystal mists of Gemin.

    I have beheld exquisite beauty
    in my rich, full life
    but none so beautiful
    as your eyes tonight”

    this Artheo whispers
    his breath warms
    the tender lobe
    of my eager ear

    he presses his lips
    softly to mine
    with gentle passion
    bids me farewell

    now three hours past
    I linger in the bittersweetness

    I can still taste him

    here I am
    hurtling through space
    standing on the aft deck

    reliving the kiss
    a sudden chill
    shocks me sober

    been here, done this
    precisely this
    in every detail


    it’s my first time aboard

    a foreboding grips me

    I shiver as I watch
    the jade-sapphire orb
    grow smaller
    less relevant

    it now recedes
    less visible
    through the carbon-Lucite

    zero-g frost
    forms and obscures
    this breathtaking view
    of the lush planet

    our home planet

    a place
    some now on board
    will not again see
    for fifteen years

    if they are
    counted among
    the fortunate
    who do return

    we race
    exceeding light-speed
    toward a distant
    call for help

    unknown destiny
    in uncharted space
    with no idea
    what we will encounter

    the call made it certain
    no good lay ahead


    I am Sephias
    going to Topiarus
    to return
    in a year’s time

    I am distraught

    the anxiety
    of separation

    intense pressure
    permeates the crew
    who go the distance
    to the edge of space
    to answer
    the cry for help

    it is contagious
    I feel this too

    I feel ungrounded
    each time I choose
    to leave my man
    to go on mission

    my soul mate

    our love is deep

    it has withstood
    these essential

    we understood
    when I joined Far-Worlds
    that separation
    came with the program

    but knowing this
    makes it no easier

    my anxiety
    is heightened further
    given this mission’s

    at Far-Worlds Corp
    we are involved
    in new-resources

    we’re scientists
    not trained spacetroopers

    our expertise
    not military

    this ship
    the Thadius
    is a space schooner
    solar-wind powered

    a research vessel
    not a fast and agile
    battle cruiser

    not suited
    for space combat

    the security force
    we have on board
    trained to defend
    not to attack

    they protect us
    from known threats
    on our journeys
    through known space

    this mission’s different

    the unknown
    makes this dangerous

    the Dextorium
    was an advance ship
    sent to reconnoiter
    9 months ahead

    the Dextorium
    did in fact carry
    a battle-trained
    spacetrooper force

    but it has now
    fallen silent
    for many months

    the green glow
    of the interstellar
    contact indicator orb
    means they’re out there

    but silence
    not a word


    to take my mind
    off things disturbing
    I drift to Artheo
    to our last kiss

    he presented
    a calm brave face
    at our goodbye

    but I knew better

    now together
    two centuries
    rest assured
    I know my man

    as decorated Primests
    of the Science-Sect Elite
    we are privileged
    with three birthing cycles

    to improve the human strain
    a 40-year
    no-birthing period
    our second
    now nears its end

    we will enter
    our third
    free-birthing cycle

    we both welcome
    the sabbatical
    of twenty years
    that it affords

    we’ve begotten
    in prior cycles
    and love them both

    we now dream
    of this newest family
    our near future
    holds in store

    this coming family
    is most important
    in our lives
    Artheo’s and mine

    state edicts dictate
    3rd cycle families
    caretake their fosters
    as health declines

    as we move closer
    to our stand down
    and cryogenic

    this new family
    will be our comfort
    as our current life-phase
    draws to a close

    as I reflect
    I am disrupted

    a sudden chaos

    panicked commotion
    on the foredeck

    there is great alarm

    I rush forward
    in time to see
    a startling scene
    begin to unfold

    directly in front
    of our speeding ship
    menacing fields of energy

    they begin to spread
    linking together
    with apparent logic
    forming a grid
    blocking our path

    acting intelligently
    as though a sentient
    living thing


    they are immense
    and they are many
    as they assemble
    into a spherical net
    continually expanding
    as far as one can see
    it is there

    spread far too vast
    to travel around
    their advancing speed
    we cannot outrun

    as we approach
    the pulsing web
    their acceleration
    becomes exponential

    no doubt we’re on
    a collision course

    my senses jolt
    I stagger back
    in shock and awe

    it is now quite clear
    what fate befell
    our advance party
    and it appears others

    they’ve been, well
    they’ve been absorbed
    by this horrific
    electronic death-mesh

    we are defenseless

    we on the Thadius
    can only stare
    but spellbound

    the crew’s emotions
    now run the gamut
    tears fill most eyes
    as hell approaches

    then I see more clearly
    in the eerie violet
    sphere of energy
    closing upon us
    tiny multi-color specks


    captured life-energies
    of the Dextorium crew
    and countless others
    that have come before

    their vital essence
    has been consumed
    by this entangled nightmare
    that now besets us

    their images flicker
    in and out of focus
    trapped in the grid
    held fast and hopeless

    empty faces
    of complete surrender
    dead eyes
    living ghosts

    this thing is coming
    this host of evil

    I feel helpless
    so confused
    and so alone

    its then I rush
    to my solarcomm
    to send a message
    to Artheo

    holding a Droon orb of light
    bravely I begin
    first sharing poetry
    as is our custom


    “we have walked quietly hand in hand
    in the emerald meadows of Telma
    sharing its golden angelfruit
    sweet as our stolen kisses

    we’ve heard the haunting call
    of the coral winged Lellurt
    in Droon’s violet skies
    over teal Darpin Bay

    now fate deems we part
    see this Orb of Light
    it is my true heart
    when I am gone
    it will shine on
    sweet Artheo
    it is my love

    “right now,
    I want to hear
    your soothing voice
    my precious love.”

    “I would give the world
    to hear your voice.”

    I am speaking
    in a tone controlled
    yet laced with longing
    and melancholy

    “I love you my dearest
    but something bad
    is happening now
    here where I am”

    “there’s a chance”
    then I must pause
    collect myself
    to start again

    “there is a chance,
    I may not return
    to you again,
    to our sweet life”

    here my voice quavers
    and then it cracks
    as I try to add,
    “or — to our children.”

    grasping for courage
    I go on

    “if this is
    to be my end
    it falls to you
    to raise them now”

    “please let them see
    they’re loved forever
    protect them well
    and keep them safe”

    it’s now a struggle
    to form the words
    but filled with love
    I press on

    “remember my eggs.
    they are safely stored
    at the Off-World Corp’s
    Reproductive Center.”

    “my surrogate
    has been selected
    she is tested
    and bonded pure”

    “you must see
    our new family born
    Zenus and Rennar — born

    please promise me!”

    choking back
    so many emotions
    I now fight
    to conclude the message

    this is the last
    I will ever send
    to my beloved

    these are the last words
    he’ll hear me speak


    “these children,
    Zenus and Rennar,
    will be the final connection
    between you and I”

    “remember forever
    they are a part
    of each of us
    my darling one”

    “he and she
    will care for you
    and see you through
    your dimming years.”

    “they will love you
    as you’ll love them
    give them my love
    tell them about me.”

    voice faltering badly
    I rise to finish
    and share with Artheo
    my final words

    “god, oh god,
    how I want you
    here in my arms
    my one true love!”

    with that,
    my heart breaks
    as I stare silently
    into the screen

    teardrops streaming
    down my cheeks

    12 hours later
    the message arrives
    on Artheo’s
    commstation screen

    he is gripped
    by disbelief
    at what he sees
    at what he hears

    consumed by horror
    unable to move
    he stands trembling

    frozen by grief

    as he sees
    my message end
    my image flickers
    and then it fades

    falls to his knees
    without sound
    silent for some time

    with a growing mix
    of fear and sorrow
    on his ashen face

    he throws back his head
    thrusts up his arms
    straight and stiff
    fists clenched in anger

    clenched so tightly
    cut into palms
    and bring forth blood

    bloodied hands
    whitened knuckles
    stab at the stars

    he keens and moans
    then begins to wail

    the guttural
    heart-rending wail
    of a man bereft

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2008
    (revision © 2019)

    The artwork above is by: Hera, of Stockholm, Sweden


    And So

    “sweet memories of my youth”


    And So


    and so
    I think of her
    and wonder

    what was the fire
    that burned so bright
    and raged so fierce
    as to consume complete

    our essence
    left embered char
    smoldered ashen

    that in its heat
    and fury
    could not sustain

    back I drift
    to fall upon
    the tenderness of youth

    the satin skin
    the comely gaze
    the velvet touch

    a silken voice
    to lust and longing

    to impatience

    to immortality

    its soulful siren
    so seductive
    the nectar of all forbidden

    the breathless joy
    of sweet innocence

    when the wonder
    stirs to every mystery
    and the spirit lights
    to every spark

    igniting passion’s pyre

    to leave one spent
    in blissful ruin
    at story’s end

    tender memory
    of the throaty whispers
    of promised pleasures
    sweetly secreted
    in her virgin kiss

    and so
    I think of her

    with no regret

    savoring the subtle linger
    harbored in my heart
    of the taste
    of her lips

    long ago
    at seventeen

    ~ ~

    “lips lush as cognac
    open softly to kisses
    urgently linger”

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2010
    (revision © 2019)



    click here to read more poetry at dVerse

    Clarion Stones

  • revised for Lillian at dVerse Poet’s Pub

    Clarion Stones


    all those years ago
    in the time of dangers
    they were placed in secret
    as a silent beacon
    in that deepest night

    waiting for the day
    when the shadowed world
    would waken from the nightmare
    shed its narrow petty ways
    and embrace the way of light

    stacked by those of vision
    blessed in hope and courage
    one upon the other
    like knowledge upon learning
    these standing stones of peace

    hear them call across the ages
    and beckon us to rise
    to step into the future
    to envision a new dream
    to let fear and hatred cease

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2010
    (revision © 1/22/19)

    stacked stones in Sedona red-rock desert


    These sculptures are called cairns. A cairn is a human-made balanced stack of stones. The word cairn comes from the Scottish Gaelic: càrn. Cairns have been, and still are used for a broad variety of purposes, from prehistoric times to the present. They are stacked as landmarks, direction finders, memorials, and also spiritual reasons, among other purposes.

  • Check out more shedding at dVerse:

    Shed some light on this today!

  • There Is A Darkness

    “I already wrote an original poem about my ‘night terrors’, entitled “In Darkness”, for Laura Bloomsbury’s September 10th ‘Making Much of Madness’ prompt, but this past piece was so on the prompt, I wanted to include it. I had posted a new revision of this poem for Laura’s prompt, but it wasn’t as positive — so I took it down.”


    There Is A Darkness


    there is a darkness
    in the corridors of my mind

    it frightens me
    because it is me

    the uncertain me
    in the ruthless grip
    of the devious unknown

    it lurks in shadow
    collecting the dark matter
    that steals into my days
    bleeds into my nights
    that ensnares me
    in times of weakness

    it seeks to find
    a corner of my soul
    in which to hide
    to sulk
    to secure a foothold

    this awful seed of depression
    endeavoring to take root
    to grow

    seldom does it sustain foothold
    for now
    kept at bay
    by my inner-dwelling light
    which still has purchase
    that thankfully
    still seems to hold sway
    over my inner darkness
    violence in check

    this darkness
    has great cunning
    but I still find light enough
    to stem
    the pitch black

    the dark demons within
    the ones that strike out
    that belittle
    and dress down others
    that easily find fault

    driven by my pain
    my anguish
    my angry insecurity

    but I will always seek the light
    and the meds
    so by and large
    my demons are controlled
    pray they always remain so

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click to check out more “mad” poems at dVerse:

    Tuesday Poetics: Making much of Madness

  • Click for more confessing at dVerse:

    dVerse Poetics: The Art of Confession in Poetry

  • Wolf Moon

  • The full moon each January is called the “Wolf Moon”. The full moon this January 2019 is a very rare “Super Blood Wolf Moon



    Wolf Moon


    wolf moon hangs heavy
    in the january night sky

    bulbous moist orb
    rolling damp
    in a cold chromium fog

    wet slivers of cloud
    smear themselves
    across its face


    like translucent sacks
    of moonbeams


    glassine billows
    soaked with midnight

    stars float and spark

    flash points
    in a wolfen eye

    frozen splintered crystal tips
    diamond chips
    pinprick rips
    in blackened space

    they wink and wane
    and sputter

    shattered bits of silvered light
    snapping here then not
    behind the ghostly white vapor
    that slithers
    through the firmament

    the world devoid of color
    aglow in sterling grey
    a negative of day

    thick and chilled

    filled with the sound
    of stalking after-dark things

    lupine spirits afoot

    the hoarse breath of the beast
    festers a howl
    harrowing deeply this dank night


    the sorrowing hour
    to lay bare your soul
    in pale introspection

    in grief of secrets

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2007
    (revised © 2019)

    photos of the Super Blood Wolf Moon of January 20, 2019


    The story of the “Super Blood Wolf Moon”


    This past Sunday, January 20th, at 9:12 PM PST, we here in the Pacific Northwest witnessed a rare spectacle in our clear night sky – it was the totality of a full lunar eclipse of a Super Moon. Super indicates closest proximity to earth. This first full moon of the year is always known reverently, as the Wolf Moon, which is appropriate given the deep, ancient ties between wolves and January’s full moon.

    For instance, the Gaelic word for January, Faoilleach, comes from the term for wolves, faol-chù. The Saxon word for January is Wulf-monath, or Wolf Month. Meanwhile, the festival of the Japanese wolf god, Ooguchi Magami, is held in January. The Seneca tribe links the wolf so strongly to the moon, they believe that a wolf gave birth to the moon by singing it into January’s sky. The Sioux tribe calls January 20th’s Wolf Moon the Moon When Wolves Run Together.

    This particular wolf moon of January of 2019, will be a “Super Blood Wolf Moon”, and will be fully visible to all of America after sunset on January 20. An exceptionally big, bright, red moon will be dazzling in the sky. It’s a total lunar eclipse, meaning the sun and moon will be perfectly aligned on opposite sides of the Earth. The moon will be completely covered by the Earth’s shadow and take on a reddish “blood moon” tint. Red due to dispersion of sunlight through earth atmosphere.

    The eclipse will occur with the moon at it’s closest to the Earth, making the moon appear brighter and bigger than usual, known as a supermoon. This coming “super blood wolf moon” is a very rare celestial event! OK, so this might be a little myth, a little mystery, and a bit’a “my gosh!”… but it’s fun, and will be a fascinating event to witness. To pay homage to January 2019’s “Super Blood Wolf Moon” I have written this poem to honor the proud lone wolf.

    click here to read more poetry at dVerse