Wolf Moon

  • The full moon each January is called the “Wolf Moon”. The full moon this January 2019 is a very rare “Super Blood Wolf Moon



    Wolf Moon


    wolf moon hangs heavy
    in the january night sky

    bulbous moist orb
    rolling damp
    in a cold chromium fog

    wet slivers of cloud
    smear themselves
    across its face


    like translucent sacks
    of moonbeams


    glassine billows
    soaked with midnight

    stars float and spark

    flash points
    in a wolfen eye

    frozen splintered crystal tips
    diamond chips
    pinprick rips
    in blackened space

    they wink and wane
    and sputter

    shattered bits of silvered light
    snapping here then not
    behind the ghostly white vapor
    that slithers
    through the firmament

    the world devoid of color
    aglow in sterling grey
    a negative of day

    thick and chilled

    filled with the sound
    of stalking after-dark things

    lupine spirits afoot

    the hoarse breath of the beast
    festers a howl
    harrowing deeply this dank night


    the sorrowing hour
    to lay bare your soul
    in pale introspection

    in grief of secrets

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2007
    (revised © 2019)

    photos of the Super Blood Wolf Moon of January 20, 2019


    The story of the “Super Blood Wolf Moon”


    This past Sunday, January 20th, at 9:12 PM PST, we here in the Pacific Northwest witnessed a rare spectacle in our clear night sky – it was the totality of a full lunar eclipse of a Super Moon. Super indicates closest proximity to earth. This first full moon of the year is always known reverently, as the Wolf Moon, which is appropriate given the deep, ancient ties between wolves and January’s full moon.

    For instance, the Gaelic word for January, Faoilleach, comes from the term for wolves, faol-chù. The Saxon word for January is Wulf-monath, or Wolf Month. Meanwhile, the festival of the Japanese wolf god, Ooguchi Magami, is held in January. The Seneca tribe links the wolf so strongly to the moon, they believe that a wolf gave birth to the moon by singing it into January’s sky. The Sioux tribe calls January 20th’s Wolf Moon the Moon When Wolves Run Together.

    This particular wolf moon of January of 2019, will be a “Super Blood Wolf Moon”, and will be fully visible to all of America after sunset on January 20. An exceptionally big, bright, red moon will be dazzling in the sky. It’s a total lunar eclipse, meaning the sun and moon will be perfectly aligned on opposite sides of the Earth. The moon will be completely covered by the Earth’s shadow and take on a reddish “blood moon” tint. Red due to dispersion of sunlight through earth atmosphere.

    The eclipse will occur with the moon at it’s closest to the Earth, making the moon appear brighter and bigger than usual, known as a supermoon. This coming “super blood wolf moon” is a very rare celestial event! OK, so this might be a little myth, a little mystery, and a bit’a “my gosh!”… but it’s fun, and will be a fascinating event to witness. To pay homage to January 2019’s “Super Blood Wolf Moon” I have written this poem to honor the proud lone wolf.

    click here to read more poetry at dVerse