Serenity Totem

  • Lillian at dVerse wanted us to write about what’s hanging on our walls. A variety of these Serenity Totems© hang on my studio walls. They are a series of original cylindrical art pieces I create and sell.

    B1B6D216-551D-4ECF-BA4C-C1058062DE50Entitled: “Sierra Gold” – by: rob kistner, 2017


    Serenity Totem


    couture fabric remnants
    all the way from Paris

    supple leather cuttings
    scraps secured in Denver

    links of golden chain
    my wife’s broken necklace

    small wood and metal findings
    recycled from the Goodwill

    the 7 found-pieces assembled
    to create a striking talisman

    a tasteful visual accent
    affixed to this Totem’s front

    hand painted oaken dowels
    make up the wall mount plate

    all these special treasures
    gathered lovingly

    cut and measured carefully
    then assembled with precision

    on rigid spiraled cylinders
    that once archived my drawings

    now crafted into an artwork
    hand-signed one-of-a-kind

    to be a beautiful addition
    to a most unique collection

    to be on display and sold
    at a coming juried art show

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


    Pictured is the assembly station in my Serenity Totems Studio

    This art piece pictured at the top here is called a Serenity Totem. I conceived this original artistic concept, and have been designing, creating, and selling these for years. They are made from all reclaimed upcycled materials, and found objects, mounted on coated, spiral bound, fiber board cylinders. On some I may also incorporate elements of trim discards of handmade Japanese Chiyogami Washi fiberstock. The cylinders intended purpose is archival storage of my furniture design blueprints and my digital artworks. Each Serenity Totem is a hand-signed, one-of-a-kind creation. I make them in four diameter sizes: 2″, 2.5″, 3″, and 4″. I have them hanging all around my studio where I also write. I create and sell these under the name Serenity Totems Studio.

  • Click here to see what’s hangin’ at dVerse:

    Come hang with me!


  • I created the two Serenity Totems pictured below entirely from recycled discarded/discontinued materials found in remnant bins, cuttings barrels, thrift stores, flea markets, and garage sales. * 36″ tall.

    by: rob kistner, 2007 ~SOLD~

    by: rob kistner, 2009 ~SOLD~

  • January Rain


    January Rain


    January in the Pacific Northwest, finds wild nature in a period of recovery and renewal. Nature’s flowering plants, grasses, and brush, will be blessed by the nurturing rains that fall with the new year. Mighty evergreens pause, and deciduous trees go dormant. Our vast forests are rejuvenated by this period of rest.

    Streams have come to new life as the rains replenish their flow. Rainbow, Brook, German Brown, and Cutthroat Trout become active as waters rise and cool. Bear, deer, cougar, elk, coyote, big horn sheep, pronghorn antelope, hawk, osprey, eagle; the varied, plentiful wildlife of our region have begun their winter rituals.

    Our winter’s January is a peaceful time of rest and restoration here in this breathtakingly beautiful region. A regenerative calm lies upon the lush land, as the season of sky-water has arrived to quench nature’s thirst, and revivify her energies in this utopia.

    January rain
    pure life-giving sky water
    bless this land you love

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

  • More January contemplations at dVerse:

    Haibun Monday: January


    32AD0E85-B0A5-4D6D-B19A-E51CD04E0C53DAY 10

  • How Thin the Veil

    How Thin The Veil


    as I lie
    in the dead of night

    burglar moon at the window
    having stolen the colors of this day

    the world chill and quiet

    I wonder
    how thin the veil
    between here and gone

    and what will be the final breath
    the beckoning breeze
    the courier gust
    to part that curtain

    to lift me
    shed of mortal husk
    and carry me through

    to where
    to what
    I do not know

    only that the day
    the hour
    the moment
    draws ever closer

    as I lie
    in the dead of night

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2012

    Golden Morning


    Golden Morning


    across the meadow
    last night’s dew clings
    fondly to the old-growth

    wrapped in crystalline embrace
    it adorns the stately cedars
    as if diamonds
    that sparkle in the morning sun
    a splendor befitting their beauty

    this Spring day begins bright and crisp

    bird songs lilt
    carried on a light breeze

    I see you afar
    approaching on the path
    backlit by sunrise
    your hair golden in dawn’s glow

    lover beholding beloved

    I sit
    warmed in daybreak’s window
    with tea and fascination

    I watch you
    as you stop to rest

    in this moment
    my love spills over
    floods ’round me
    until I am consumed

    your lips sculpt a smile
    I’m swept away on passion’s tide
    on this golden morning

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2007
    (revision © 2019)



    This is Tanka Prose, similar to Haibun. Instead of the Haibun’s Haiku ending, this features a Tanka, of my composition, at its close. The 31-syllable Tanka has been the most popular form of poetry in Japan for over 1300 years. As a form of poetry, Tanka is older than Haiku, and Tanka poems are intended to be evocative.

    During Japan’s Heian period (794 to 1185 A.D.) it was considered essential for a woman or man of culture to be able to both compose beautiful poetry and to choose the most aesthetically pleasing and appropriate paper, ink, and symbolic attachment, such as a branch or flower, to go with it.

    Tanka have changed and evolved over the centuries beyond the traditional expressions of passion and heartache, and styles have changed to include modern language. But the five syllabic units, containing a total of 31 syllables, has remained the same. Each line of a Tanka consists of one image or idea. One does not seek to wrap lines in tanka, though in the best Tanka, the five lines do relate, to evoke a cohesive feeling. The feeling here is serenity.

    birds in the blue sky
    sampans on the blue waters
    blue temple gateway

    blue is the soul of serene
    let it calm your restless heart

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • This tanka was inspitred by the wonderful art seen above. It is entitled “Blue Temple” by Vorffy.
  • Through The Veil

    “Infinite Instance” by: rob kistner © 1997

    Through The Veil


    I am nearing the veil
    soon to push through
    to see that which
    is not shown us here
    on this side
    of that gossamer curtain

    unable as we are
    in this manifestation
    to comprehend
    the incomprehensible
    the infinite secret
    the truth that bursts to light

    but when I push through
    I will ride that light
    in all ways through time
    simultaneously at once
    at the eternal instant
    the open door of forever

    existance will be no more
    I will be absolute
    indivisible from time
    absorbed by all of space
    a joy so profound
    as to be pure energy

    I was given the gift
    of the briefest glimpse
    beyond the veil
    I was not ready
    I again near the veil
    I am ready now

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • This is a contemplation on crossing over. On April 6th of 2017 my heart stopped while in the hospital, the night I was recovering from a heart operation. The memory of that lingers. It is the memory of that experience that has inspired this poem. To be sure, this is an idealized imagining of what crossing over may be like. However, it is informed by an amazing and singularly unique feeling of blissful well being that had filled me that night, and from which I was grudgingly roused by the act of being awakened, from what I thought then, was sleep. Very soon thereafter it was confirmed by my cardiologist not to have been sleep. He explained to me it was a state that could have remained quite permanent, and I was about to receive an urgent Pacemaker implant. That night still holds mysteries for me.
  • Shhhh!





    are you going with me to the coast
    if so we will be leaving at first light
    the need to be on time is uppermost
    I want to be there settled in tonight

    the party promises to be a blast
    crazy friends drinks and food of ev’ry kind
    these soirees have been epic in the past
    if we are late we will be left behind

    tomorrow it is breakfast on the beach
    it’s there we meet our hostess for the week
    she’ll have the masks we’ll need there’s one for each
    remember after that we do not speak

    then to the yacht where wondrous games are played
    magic – this high seas silent masquerade

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below for more sonnetts at dVerse…

    Poetry Forms – The sonnet

  • Hope

  • For society to have a real chance we need quality education!


    Last Hope


    I lift myself quietly
    very quietly
    from beneath the sheets
    soiled with neglect
    soaked with my nightmares

    I am again awake
    from another dark night
    that began with fear
    fear I might not survive
    and ends in sorrow
    realizing I did

    I rise
    make my way carefully
    past the shallow-breathed crumple
    that lay milky-eyed
    in a heap on the floor
    save a twitch of the head

    a head which now harbors demons
    where nocturnal angels of sweet release
    had lain down lush upon it
    in fevered embrace
    lustfully conjured
    by last night’s spoon and lance
    still skewered silver in the soured vein

    this wreckage is my mother

    I stop but for a glance
    verifying life
    then move on head down
    angle to the bathroom
    to the scum-brown bowl
    to wash my face
    lit sallow by the yellowed bulb
    that hangs bare and lonely

    strange eyes
    hold me in the mirror
    broken as my heart

    eyes of knowing
    eyes of sadness

    grief courses through me
    weighing upon my being
    burning into my heart

    I want to cry out
    but there is no one here to hear me
    no hero that can help me

    driven by instinct to survive
    by urgency to flee
    I shudder away the paralyzing despair

    in this dank food-less morning
    in this ruined single room
    in this coat-less chill of predawn
    I gather up my books
    step lightly through the door
    down the damaged stairs
    into the hostile streets
    heavy with this childhood of strangled dreams

    I duck and dodge
    in and out of shadows
    praying to once again avoid the evil
    that lurks and slinks
    among the garbage and graffiti
    of these crumbled bricken’d canyons

    that rolls slow and lethal
    gripping cold blue steel
    in predatory drive-by

    seductive as a smile
    deadly as a snake

    which if diligence should fail
    I fear will consume my soul

    deliberately I continue
    until at last I find my way
    to the building
    to the classroom
    to my teacher
    to my desk

    to the only hope
    to which I dare cling

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2011
    (revision © 2019)


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  • Had I Followed

    Photo entitled “Edges” – by: Pensiero


    Had I Followed


    I have followed this path
    ever onward
    to where it has lead

    followed its rise
    its fall
    in concentric circles of time
    sweeping always outward

    there is much I have seen
    and have experienced

    much I’ve missed
    and never known

    much I’ve stumbled upon
    stumbled over
    always to collect myself
    and follow on

    I have encountered the unknown
    been confused
    lost my way
    suffered sorrow

    I have embraced the wonder
    found enlightenment
    known joy

    but ever on
    this path does lead

    and I
    in measured step
    must ever follow

    had I followed another
    what then

    I know now
    it would be no different
    for I understand

    I chose the other
    every time

    I am not on this path
    I am this path

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


    More answers to Merril’s question, “what if?” at dVerse…

    Poetics: Time and What If?