Seabed Sway


Seabed Sway

(- SORROW -)


beauty walks to the sea by her home
on this broken cloudy day
slips into the sea alone
silently she swims away

on this broken cloudy day
alone with her fractured wishes
silently she swims away
deep down with the fishes

alone with her fractured wishes
a’swim in the seabed’s sway
deep down with the fishes
she is leaving it all today

a’swim in the seabed’s sway
with nothing more left to say
she is leaving it all today
the sea carries her spirit away

~ ~ ~



she walks to the sea by her home
on this bright and sunny day
slips into the sea alone
joyfully she swims away

on this bright and sunny day
with her heart awash in wishes
joyfully she swims away
down with the colorful fishes

with her heart awash in wishes
a’swim in the seabed’s sway
down with the colorful fishes
she is filled with love today

a’swim in the seabed’s sway
neptune’s beauty on bold display
she is filled with love today
letting her dreams carry her away

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019



Links to my other 3 Pantoums:
1.) Pantoumadness
2.) Flame Of Learning
3.) Lady Blue


  • Click below to read more Pantoums at dVerse: