Spring Song


Spring Song


Mad March weather means Spring will soon arrive. My humor may actually survive. Winter rains held on long this year, but skies are begining to clear. This season improves my attitude, lifting my mood. My prodigal smile breaks through the parting clouds.

Warming sun and gentle rain ignite seeds, pushing new sprouts through the rich fertile earth. This is nature’s cycle of rebirth. Butterflies cavort with eager buds bursting forth through ready limbs. Snow-melt swollen streams run fast beyond their brims.

Songs of returning birds lilt brightly through greening trees. They carry like the fragrance of new blooms, wafting softly on the breeze. The smells, hues, and sounds of boisterous Spring make my heart begin to sing, and my spirit begin to dance!

wings flutter gently
spring breeze bends full flowered stems
meadow dance begins

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019




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    Haibun Monday: March Madness