none can pass
his grief makes certain none will try
this is a dark forbidden place
cold and barren
brutal night has fallen
no sun can penetrate
the darkness soothes him
he retreats into its depths
shielded from any further pain
but see
a shadow falls across the threshold
someone approaches
a comely being
warm and alive
lays gentle siege
threatening to breach his hardened fortress
but this lovely creature
fair and fragile
can not possibly gain entrance
must not
he will resist
this is wrong
this is trespass
this is cruel betrayal of his lost beloved
he has no right to leave this place of sorrow
no right
but his stronghold is succumbing
falling to this delicate advance
he is vulnerable
but it is useless to resist
searching with a patient heart
she has found the key
grasped in her loving hand
fingers tenderly enfold it
she slides it into the lock
turning with great care
he is defenseless
he feels his heart slowly open
the long forgotten stir of love
begins to warm his soul