The Willow

The Willow


the old man came in April
sitting quietly
day after day
hands resting on his knees
day after day
hardly moving

save to raise his hand
to brush his brow
or adjust his cap

day after day
on the same park bench
at the pond
near the same tree
same willow

you could watch him come
see him leave
at dinner time

day after day
sitting there
hands on his knees
same bench
same tree

one morning
as he sat there
I left my office
walked across the street
into the park
approached him
and sat down beside him

he said nothing
so we sat together
for a while
quietly on the bench
by the tree

finally I spoke up

why do you sit here old man
sit here everyday
day after day
here on this bench
quietly watching the pond

he tilts his head
speaks softly
I’ve come here for years
he says

but how can that be
I say
these office buildings
this park – they’re all new
how could you have come
to this park for years

not to this park
he says
no – not to this park
– to this tree

me and all my friends
came to willow pond
every spring
to this tree
this old willow
for years
day after day

I ask
why to this tree

quiet smile
we played cards
in its shade

he explains
we talked – laughed
we listened at the pond
in its wonderful shade
day after day
this wonderful willow

where are your friends
I ask
why are they not here
with you on the bench

he hesitates
they are gone
he says finally

gone – gone where
I ask

is all he says
hands on his knees
all gone

oh – I see
I say

do you
is all he says

so why do you sit here
day after day

I ask

he stares straight ahead
and after a bit he says
I’m listening

I say
listening for what

he sits quietly for a while
without changing his gaze
without raising his hands
from his knees
he says haltingly
for our laughter
our beautiful laughter

I still hear it
on the breeze
through this willow

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019

  • Click on “Toads” below for more tree poetry:Toads

    32AD0E85-B0A5-4D6D-B19A-E51CD04E0C53DAY 21

    April Trio


    April Trio


    wings flutter gently
    spring breeze bends full flowered stems
    meadow dance begins




    green leaves on blue pond
    float in golden springtime sun
    red bird softly sings




    buds burst forth through limb
    streams run fast beyond their brim
    April arrives strong


    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

  • Click on “Toads” below for more April poetry:



    32AD0E85-B0A5-4D6D-B19A-E51CD04E0C53DAY 21