Fantasy’s Elaboration

  • My primary creative inspiration remains my vivid imagination.
  • 38CE96C0-4CAF-4CDE-A9A7-FEB7DF386769

    Fantasy’s Elaboration


    fantastic is this spell I’m under
    magic of a splendorous kind
    a world of cornucopic wonder
    treasure troves of dreams to plunder
    in this voyage of my mind

    by fantasy’s elaboration
    through stars of wonder I ascend
    soar in sweet hallucination
    in ships of my imagination
    oh, would this voyage but never end

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    Click below to check out the poetry at dVerse:

    Journey with me!

    Click here for more inspiration at Toads.


    Take this amazing fractal trip to free your creative mind.

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    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.