Walking In Paradise

This is a poetic capture of a real-time experience of one of my many 3.5 mile hikes over the years, around beautiful Lost Lake, situated in the high mountain Oregon forests, on the western slope of Mt Hood, in the Cascade Mountains. Truly paradise! I would give everything to be able to make that trek again just once more. But it’s wilderness, and my failed health prevents it from ever happening again. So, when I am blue, I go there still in wonderful memories.

Mt. Hood peak, seen across Lost Lake, in Oregon Cascade range

Walking In Paradise


my footfalls
drum the root chambers
of the old growth
each step
cushioned by centuries of needle-drop
in this ancient forest

enjoying the rise and fall
twist and turn of the trail
I amble dreamlike

my walking stick is smooth
clutched comfortably
in my right hand

tensions dissipate
by the audible stir of the wind
in the treetops

wafting down the western Cascade slopes
it invigorates

the steady rhythm of my footsteps

rounding a bend in the trail
brushing through waist-high fern
I crest a knoll
and stop


filtered by the towering woodland canopy
light drifts down dreamlike
settles golden
into the natural cathedral before me

a presence is tangible

a breeze enfolds me
filled with the intoxicating scent
of living earth

an addictive bouquet
of cascade red cedar
douglas fir
ponderosa pine
and ionized mountain air

my spirit rises
my being grows weightless
any sense of self floats away
lifted into oneness

I’m startled from my reverie

a young doe
bounds onto the trail ahead
stands proud
pauses in the golden light


she considers me briefly
then disappears
quick as a stolen glance
quiet as passing time

darting my eyes
here then there
in a vain attempt to follow her
I catch a glimpse of silver-blue
reflecting resplendent
where massive tree trunks part

this is the reason for my trek
into this mighty wilderness

I step through the opening
and climb a huge boulder

I sit
pull my legs under me
and lean forward
arms folded
elbows on knees
basking in the energy

just below me
an enchanting tangle of driftwood
floats sculpture-like

across the magical mirrored lake
rising spectacular
a chiseled mountain peak
in the evening sun

I grow very still

I become this moment
in touch with my soul
with the eternal

alone in pristine
old growth paradise

Huge old growth, Lost Lake Trail, Oregon

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019

Poetry at: dVerse

Poetry at: earthweal


Hi! I’m Edgrrr, I was rob’s shih tzu. He misses me every day.

Unfolding Fate


Unfolding Fate


this pilgrim’s lot
is cast to wander
in search of what
is not quite clear

step by step
day after day
uncertain fate
unfolds this journey

filled with wonder
with joy and awe

fraught with sadness
with pain and tears

it’s carried me
‘cross boundaries
mass of lands
‘cross time and space

it’s shown me mysteries

good and evil
the best the least

it’s brought me pleasures
fame and fortune
only to claim them back
with no remorse

I’ve known satisfaction
a woman’s love
a child’s passing

this journey’s been true
faithful — genuine
only to turn away
and break my heart

it’s been fact
and contradiction
and harshly real

I’ve been ignored
I’ve been betrayed

even honored
as a man of standing
then shunned
to stand alone again

I’ve traveled light
traveled fast
I’ve stumbled burdened
weighed with grief

I’ve lead and followed
lost my way
regained direction
to then lose the path

I’ve walked hand in hand
with fear and death
stared down depression
just to be consumed

then arose again
to venture forth
without a clue my destination
with no regard the fated outcome
nor consideration of my plight

I long ago abandoned worry
having learned it’s of no use

came to realize
despite our difference
at the core
we’re all the same

this realm we entered all alone
and here we’ll leave alone again

but all of this is of no matter
foolish so to dwell upon
of no concern
of no regard
most certainly not worth the measure

in reflection
one sees far too late
it is this journey
that is the treasure

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019

Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.


  • Click below for more journeying at dVerse:

    dVerse Poetics: On Wandering & Observing

  • Summer Song


    Summer Song


    At last fair summer has arrived, just in time to rescue my sense of humor. The winter rains held stubborn this year. But now the sky is sunny and clear, as is my lifting mood, rocking summer memories in the golden warmth. I’m thankful for this season of plenty.

    The seeds push sprouts through the rich warm earth, as nature cycles to this time of birth. New buds pop forth through ready limbs. Mountain streams run fast and clear as nature’s curtain lifts on this magical time of year — as the veil lifts on my sweet recall.

    Bird songs echo through the greening trees to serenade my reverie. The heady fragrance of summer carries on the gentle breeze, as the bold hues and rich sounds of this beautiful boisterous season fill my soul to bursting! Joyous is my heartsong!

    green leaf on blue pond
    turns in golden summer sun
    red bird softly sings

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.


  • Click below for more memorable haibuns at dVerse:

    Haibun Monday: Memorial

  • Had Not

    Had Not


    had not she appeared in that clearing
    so lost

    had not she crossed my path
    on that soft summer day

    had not her voice
    drifted like silk
    on the summer breeze
    to wrap sheer and sweet
    around my heart

    had not I been drawn
    like a new bloom
    to the morning sun

    had not I been captivated
    as a hummingbird
    by a drop of nectar
    crystal on a velvet petal

    had not my love come down
    soft as a rolling mountain meadow

    had not this dream been born

    had not my life begun again

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.


  • Check out more poems on Toads
  • Naked




    to feel our hearts surge with joy
    I want us to be naked

    backlit by the golden sun
    our bodies radiantly naked

    in the soft grass of a mountain meadow
    frolicking with you naked

    running silvery in a cool spring rain
    slick and slippery naked

    in the riotous colors of a flower garden
    our lips petal plushed and naked

    lying in the rolling summer surf
    waves breaking upon us naked

    walking in an ancient forest deep
    awed, spellbound and naked

    smiling on a crisp autumn morn
    leaves falling ‘round us, naked

    curled in sweet peaceful sleep
    both breathing gently, naked

    in the copper glow of desert redrock
    our wild spirits naked

    in the frothy roar of a waterfall
    standing in the cascade naked

    in the wafting of a gentle breeze
    we dance and whirl ‘round naked

    silhouetted against a sterling moon
    our skin a satin sheen and naked

    with our secreted souls laid bare
    fully exposed and naked

    all our dreams and fears revealed
    hearts trembling and naked

    our every pretense stripped away
    finally truly naked

    enfolded here in each other’s arms
    both vulnerable and naked

    we gaze into the vast night sky
    we marvel, breathtaken — and naked

    I’ll rob the stars from that night sky
    to twinkle in your eyes so naked

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.


  • Click below for more ghazal poetry at dVerse:

    Poetry form: Ghazal

  • Light





    lightless ignorance
    cannot vanquish absolute
    seek the light of truth


    truth can penetrate
    the pitch black of ignorance
    wisdom is the light


    even the smallest light
    of wisdom
    burning in the pitch black
    of ignorance
    casts its glow far-reaching

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Check out more light on Poets United


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Seeds

    A grief portraiture of a dear friend I lost.

    digital collage “Friends” by: rob kistner © 2007


    For Memorial Day


    there are those days
    I still can feel
    the breeze of youth
    gently stir my soul

    those days remembered
    of graceful lightness
    when faith in truth
    sparked splendid dreams

    those days of us
    when all we touched
    was fresh and new
    and the world
    was full of wonder

    those carefree days

    when we were certain
    we’d live forever
    strength made each day
    a great adventure

    but not these days

    I am bent
    by the yoke of sorrow
    I am heavy
    with the weight of loss

    I am haunted
    by the ghost of memory
    the painful days
    when I think of you

    these empty days

    how can this void be filled
    when one so vital is gone

    so much wit and wisdom
    robbed from this world
    kindness and love
    lost when you passed

    one who understood
    the need for giving
    in a careless world
    darkened by greed

    a tender heart
    truly unselfish
    whose warm embrace
    included all

    I will not forget
    I will remember you
    and all those days

    that’s how I’ll fill this void

    with the seeds of friendship
    planted deep
    inside my heart
    now filled with grief

    may they grow
    to make the memories
    richer and more precious

    grow to make me gentler
    and more grateful
    for the loved ones
    still in my life

    good-bye my friend
    I will not forget

    I will tend these seeds
    and think of you

    I will not forget

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.


  • Check out more portraiture poems on Toads
  • Night Goddess

    Image above by Mary Frances

    Night Goddess


    you’re my alien goddess
    sparking golden in the night
    my radiant beauty of energy
    my networked power of love

    oh alien night goddess
    my alluring otherworldly
    we’ve sailed the universe
    in our skyship of passion

    I have watched with you
    platinum fire clouds
    hanging in pale green skies
    over the azure seas of Toluraz

    we’ve seen the copper leaves
    of the silken parmus fronds
    flashing from indigo cliffs
    in the crystal mists of Gemin

    we’ve swam the blue oceans of Gaia
    made love ‘neath its silver moon
    scaled its emerald forested mountains
    ran with its fantastic beasts

    I have beheld exquisite beauty
    throughout the cosmos in my life
    but nothing nearly so beautiful
    as your ebony eyes — tonight

    digital artwork “As Tech” – rob kistner © 1996

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.


  • Click below for more ekphrasticated poetry at dVerse:

    Ekphrastic poems – Mary Frances

  • The Dark Dock

    This is inspired by memories from the 1950’s when my father and I would fish, well into the night in the Canadian wilderness. Coming back, with “little blue”, our 25 HP Evinrude pushing us through the damp, foggy darkness, traversing the treacherous rocky ‘narrows’ that connected the chain of lakes we fished.

    Huge boulders lurked ominously in the clear, cold water. Motor off, dad would carefully row and pole our way through, with the bow-hung Coleman lantern’s yellow glow to guide us — and me at the bow of the boat with a hand-held Rayovac spotlight, visually probing the dark depths. The huge submerged rocks, appearing from out of the darkness like some beast, coming into the penetrating beam of my light, were indeed spooky, and gave me a shiver — still do.

    Each season several fishermen would take out the bottom of their wood boats on an unseen rock. Bear and wolves lived in the forests, so one did not want to trek for miles through the pitch black of night. Making our way, weary and wet, back to our little island’s dark wooden dock was slow and eerie – but thrilling!

    photo collage: “The Dock” – rob kistner © 2009

    The Dark Dock


    fog rolls low over the boat
    slowly cloaked
    by the ghostly shroud

    the lone light
    hangs heavy
    from the bow ring

    throws its yellowed glow
    into the damp night

    searching its beam
    fractured ‘cross the chop water
    probing for the dark dock

    for home

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 08/13/09
    revised © 2019


  • Check out more poems on Toads


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • The Ache!

    “Heartache” by: Jaime Best


    The Ache!


    there is a darkness
    of the broken soul
    so deep
    it stirs the tongue
    of the brooding poet
    loosing a torrent of sorrow
    so rich with longing
    the hearts of all who read
    will ache
    for their one true love
    lost forever
    to fate

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below for more rich poetry at dVerse:

    Quadrille #80 – Eat the Rich


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Unbridled

    This piece is inspired by a long-time friend, and former business partner. Barry was healthy and athletic through high school and college, and later an excellent graphic artist. Now he’s relegated by MS to the confines of an electric wheel chair. He loved to dance and enjoyed my band in younger years. He has never let the chair stop him. Though he doesn’t walk now, and has lost the effective use of the left side of his body (he is/was left handed) he has never stopped smiling or going to watch live music performed. He has become a superb photographer, learning to master the right side of his body. He also still loves hot rods, a passion he and I share. Barry is now 73, still going strong. This is for you my buddy.



    “Dedicated with love & respect to my forever friend, Barry!”


    that is unquestionably joy
    in a most unexpected place
    in the eyes of a battled warrior
    cruel society deems disabled

    bent and stooped
    by fate – struck down
    confined to his rolling metal chair

    his gentle eyes still reflect a wonder
    by my soul sometimes misplaced
    by my self-pity displaced

    his timeless spirit knows only belief
    it pours forth from his being

    his person full alive
    his essence full aware
    wholly in the now

    positioned close to the modest stage
    he is enraptured by the rhythm
    enthralled by the magic
    captured by his lens

    the band plays fast
    the band plays slow
    the band plays loud
    the band plays low

    he is filled with every note
    every beat
    every nuance

    he rocks
    and rolls
    and snaps snaps snaps

    he experiences an ecstasy
    which I watch with marvel

    its purity and power
    I am challenged to equal

    I now realize
    just how much
    I do not understand
    about struggle
    about pride
    as I behold this able man

    faint envy stirs
    as I witness his unbridled joy

    so complete
    and unpretentious

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    Barry, with beloved hot rod.

    Click below to read more poems at dVerse:

    OpenLinkNight #243


    Photogtaper Barry, with wife Roz, and some of his “one-handed” work.





    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.





    a stare of icey crystal blue
    burns above a fiery mouth
    that takes you in devouring
    bares your soul, then spits you out

    fiercely knowing — worldly wise
    sleek as steel — tall and strong
    swift and cunning — motor running
    she might let you in, but not for long

    her soul is free — she’ll not be caged
    no mortal man will keep her tied
    her spirit a gorgeous beast enraged
    she’s crushed all those who’ve ever tried

    poor fool who craves this iron goddess
    is hopelessly addicted
    there’s only one word for this life-force
    that word, my friend, is — wicked!

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to read about more poems at Sunday Muse:
    Sunday Muse 56


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Roarin’




    fueled by the freedom of the open road
    she races her way into the sunset
    leaning tightly into curves
    wind whipping her hair
    her knees tucked
    head’s down

    thriving on the thrill of the throttle
    embracing the magnificence
    living in the moment
    not counting time
    keeping track
    just being

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to read about more poems at Sunday Muse:
    Sunday Muse 56


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • My Cusp Runneth Over

    When I saw Amaya’s prompt today for dVerse it put me in touch with a fun poem I wrote in 2007. I had no opinion of astrology, but I decided to get a personal astrological reading back then from Astology.com to support what I originally wrote for this poem. To update the poem, I got another reading today from Astrology Online.

    I posted today’s reading at the bottom of this post. I blended info from this current reading into this revision of my original poem. I hope you enjoy this!

    This is the new zodiac sign for Aquarius/Pisces cusp.


    My Cusp Runneth Over

    Some tongue-in-cheek astrology.


    I am Aquarius
    a child of water
    with equal splash of Pisces too

    a lover of freedom
    all tethers rejected
    all constraints are broken through

    I am strong of will
    firmly resolute
    none dictate what I should do

    my mind is my own
    not some follower
    my path mine only to pursue

    my life is unique
    it’s of my construct
    its purpose is mine to construe

    tradition is shunned
    my life’s avant-garde
    the leading edge never taboo

    I’ve an artist’s spirit
    and a writer’s voice
    my soul’s palette is multi-hue

    I am just and fair
    quite compassionate
    open minded to all that’s new

    I am sensitive
    with an inventive mind
    a philosopher’s vision too

    tech is my friend
    and the natural world
    from both of these I take my cue

    my intuitive sense
    gives me future vision
    to raise the world a notch or two

    this all must be real
    it has all been revealed
    Astrology.com said it’s true

    …Astrology Online did too

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2007
    revision © 2019

    My birthday is February 18th.
    I am a pure cusp child born exactly between February 15th – 21st.
    This is my reading today on: Astrology Online.

    * As an Aquarius/Pisces you are selfless and spiritual, often strongly intuitive and receptive to the collective unconscious.
    * You reflect the dual nature of life, reality and non reality, consciousness and the unconscious. You represent consciousness through the flowing of ideas. You work hard to bring your ideas to fruition, stubbornly refusing to give up your causes.
    * You are peace loving and friendly, and are the chameleon of the Zodiac, receptive to the needs of others but sometimes getting lost yourself.
    * You tend to be strongly spiritual (not necessarily religious) and artistic. You are idealistic, but sometimes your dreams are vague and impractical.
    * When reality intrudes, you can become pessimistic or lethargic, but you are very adaptive and broad-minded, so you can rework your ideals when necessary.
    * You are tolerant and open-minded, but tend to stick to your beliefs. You are compassionate, sensitive, imaginative and sympathetic to the feelings of others. You tend to be romantic and sentimental, but you may give in to escapism.
    * You are devoted to your goals, but you can be disorganized or procrastinate when faced with difficulties.
    * Your intellect makes you logical and self-confident, but it may also makes you aloof from people around you.
    * You are original, offbeat and even eccentric, but you are also rather bored by detail. Reformist and experimental, you may seem cold toward people who don’t share your intellectual orientation to life.
    * You may become withdrawn if your emotions are abused too often.
    * You are multitalented, both in scientific and creative endeavors.
    * You are unique and rebellious, and are driven to change the world. However, you can be shy, quiet and sometimes elusive, refusing to show your true self.
    * You are modest, thoughtful, and display remarkable musical talent. Freedom is important to you, and you are often driven to help others become free, as well.
    * You alleviate your emotional stress through contact with others and exercise.
    * Your great strength is in your visionary nature and your compassion. You will likely take the world to the next level; and make others see things in a new light. Your ability to break the rules and help others reach their fullest potential make you a most understanding individual.

  • Check the elements on dVerse:

    Poetics: In My Element 


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Fire Mark

    This is a long-form, free verse poem, contemplating the post-apocalyptic ‘last person on earth’ theme, the “omega man” concept. This is a sobering take on the end of the world. It is also a love story, love lost that is.”


    Fire Mark


    I remember when it happened
    remember well
    the all-defining fire mark in time
    that forever divided then from now

    comfortably alone
    walking up along the forested valley
    that is our property line at the back
    my eyes drifting up the azure waters
    of the clear mountain stream
    that rolled towards me crisp and pure

    at the instant of the startling sound
    the strange light
    I cast my eyes to the very tops of the Douglas Firs

    they stand proud at the river’s edge
    sentries for centuries
    protecting this northern boundary of our lands
    steady and enduring
    yet always supple in the winds that waft and quicken
    whispering the breath of life
    into this pristine realm

    then came the second blinding flash
    lighting the entire sky

    tears glistened
    the damned fools had finally done it

    two years on now since that ominous event
    but I never can forget the bone chill
    that penetrating feeling

    in those moments I knew
    the cities were vaporized
    I was isolated
    but how alone

    too long now
    since I have shared this vast beauty
    with another’s eyes
    with her eyes
    with any eyes
    or found my voice to exclaim its wonders

    yet I still ramble the valley
    wade the stream
    given to an ever-rolling mumble
    jabbering quietly to no one in particular
    at the ragged edge of coherence
    clinging to the chance
    I might be rewarded with a response
    her response
    any response

    but she had gone to the ciy
    so only comes the murmur of the constant stream
    carried on the season’s breezes

    I have held my mind in good humor
    bound by the glory of this land I wander
    tethered to the waning hope
    that she is not gone
    that they all can’t possibly be gone
    a hope buoyed by the majesty of these forests
    that climb their way skyward
    with the patience and persistence of the ages

    but each day
    a horrifying realization
    grows in my mind
    suffocating my soul

    they are gone
    every ~ last ~ one

    can I last
    have I that patience
    how long can I hold center
    when comes my personal fire mark
    my sunset

    how long until my fragile psyche unravels
    scrambling in lonely panic
    seeking human contact

    tonight I will sit alone again
    in my room
    in the soft light of the fire
    the only light and warmth possible
    since that fateful point in time
    when the world’s infrastructure

    month after month
    in the smothering silence
    in the maddening quiet
    of this voiceless world
    in which nowhere can be found
    her eyes
    any eyes

    in which
    never again will I hear
    a simple


    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 8/17/12
    revised © 5/18/19


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.