
Aeropachydermicide: recklessly causing the death of someone or something by actions that result from the foolish belief that one is so smart and powerful that one can make an elephant fly.



  • Debunking the ridiculous theory of human dominion.
  • ~

    somewhere between our petrochemical insanity
    and our reckless dance with fractured atoms
    we believed we were the miracle
    and it all went seriously awry

    we fantasized we had dominion
    that we understood the vast unknown
    could control the raw chaotic
    that we had figured out the why

    so we delved into dark science
    with no regard for frail nature
    flailed our way across the planet
    belched our leavings into our sky

    we so bought into our egos
    that we perceived ourselves as gods
    that we were capable of anything
    perhaps make the elephant to fly

    but we humans lost sight of balance
    did not comprehend our place
    as only one of precious many
    we let the tipping point slip by

    now we wonder what will happen
    to our misbegotten dream
    stare through disbelieving tears
    as we watch it slowly die

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 10/3/11
    revised © 2019


  • Click below to check out more poetry at dVerse:

    Poetic: Theories of Everything and Anything


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    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • To Believe

  • Debunking the theory that people are good at heart.

  • image entitled “Weary” digitally enhanced by: rob kistner 2010

    To Believe


    I’d like to believe
    the dream I dreamt as a young man
    that we can change the world’s heart
    to embrace love for one another

    to believe
    people are by nature good
    that we can live in peace
    and make the world a better place

    to believe
    universal understanding
    is a common goal
    of the peoples of this planet

    to believe
    we haven’t lost our faith
    in these sacrosanct ideals
    of an elevated life

    to believe
    there still exists somewhere
    a shared and nurtured vision
    of a paradise on earth

    I’d like to believe
    but empty runs the hourglass
    I’ve heard the daily news
    and I’m so weary, and broken-hearted

    yes, I’d like to believe
    I’d really like to
    but now I even wonder
    did anyone ever believe

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    Click below to check out more poetry at dVerse:

    Poetic: Theories of Everything and Anything


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.