Hope Walks


Hope Walks


he made a loud gaudy show of leaving
hoping she would turn and stop him
walking out the door he is hoping
always looking back and hoping

hoping it would matter to her
hoping that an empty place
would open in her heart
that only he could fill

hoping his leaving
left such a void
hoping deeply
ever hoping



rob kistner © 2019


  • Check out the walkng on Poets United
  • Shrouded

    “Darkness came, full of moths and beetles. I was oppressed by the velvety emptiness…” – Laurie Lee





    the darkness of this night
    shrouds — choking in tight
    cold as an old tundra witch
    charred as sooted slag pitch

    the foreboding ice moon
    stabs a sliver of gloom
    through the heart of the trees
    where I tremble on my knees

    trapped in unanchored dreams
    my forsaken soul screams
    lost in a tangle of fears
    I am adrift on my tears

    smothered by this emptiness
    rigored by my loneliness
    this void smuggles my breath
    I pray for sleep — deep as death

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to check out more haibuns on dVerse:

    Tuesday Poetics: : Literary Alchemy with Laurie Lee


    Tundra Witch


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.