




oh to be un-tethered
no longer earthbound
taking flight
soaring skyward

the freedom of feathered wing
over hollow bone

riding the thermals
climbing ever upward
warmed by the sun
adrift in the heavens
free as the breeze
that envelopes me

I dive earthward
wings tucked
rocketing down
toward the crystal blue
of a crisp mountain lake

my vision
piercing the clear surface
penetrating to the bottom

then I sail out
racing purposefully
a talon’s reach
‘cross the wind-blown chopwater

and connect

a slight tilt in my wings
carries me skyward once more
my prey in my powerful grasp
lifting toward the treetop
of a massive conifer
towering at water’s edge

reaching the peak
my wings at full extension
I flap them gracefully backward
pulling against momentum
the prize viced in my beak

I glide down
gently reaching
to land soft as a fallen leaf
in the uppermost branches

the victorious hunter
home again


~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


  • Check out more feathered fantasies at Toads


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.