Moon At Our Window



Moon At Our Window


In this moonlit forest, midnight shimmers through the mist-covered boughs of old growth, as if star clusters are dancing on the branches. Deep and still, mirroring the moon in the night sky, our high-mountain lake glows like cerulean satin. This night holds a sacred silence, save for a great white owl, echoing from the cedars, across the water.

We are lover and beloved, entwined in the pre-dawn, half awake, entranced by the spectacle outside our window. I turn to her whispering, “how long have I been awake?” I don’t really want to know. I’d rather lie here in her arms, falling again into gentle slumber.

Snuggling against me, her head on my shoulder, in her sleepy voice she says, “I awoke enwrapped in this wonderful moonlight, feeling filled with love!” Smiling, I say softly, “last night, my love, I dreamt I was the moon.”

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019

  • Click below for work by other moonstruck dVerse poets:

    Prosery #2


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

    Edgrrr offers you this special bonus moon tanka.

    Moon Moon


    moon moon bold and bright
    silver in black satin sky
    bare your sterling soul

    your pre-dawn morning magic
    shimmers ‘cross this sleeping world

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019