Blazing Passion

WARNING: Not For Everyone!

~ a hot little poem about my “first time” ~


Blazing Passion


I will not forget you
my memory still burns
in smouldering recollection
of the first time
my eyes fell upon
your luscious curves

skin smooth as satin
bathed in amber glow
as you lay before me
seductive in the summer sunset

you torched my imagination
ignited my spirit
fired my soul

I wanted you so badly
to fondle you with fingertips
caress you with trembling lips
you promised such sweetness

but I’d been warned by others
who had dared partake
of your fiery charms

“it will end in tears” they said
but I did not heed their counsel

wholly and utterly seduced
I fell upon you hungrily
taking you passionately

in the lust filled moment
our union flared
hot as lava
scorching as an August sun

I was swept away
as I consumed your charms
aflame with desire
as I tasted sweet
your forbidden fruit

in a wanton blaze
I took my fill
but just as quickly
it ended

I should have listened
they knew you all too well

you burned me badly
and left me crying
but I never will forget you…


~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


The habanero is one of the hottest chili’s on earth!


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