Hour of the Beast

“Look carefully at yourself America”

“Emperor of the Dawn” — by: Quincy Washington


Hour of the Beast


when in our ignorance
we begin to believe
we’ve risen above
the bloody birth
of our origin

when in our reflection
we see perverse transcendence
towards entitlement
in which no allegiance
or kinship to the natural way
binds us to our center

when we do not recognize
the fumbling
frightened flesh parade
in which we all lock step
shoulder to shoulder
flailing for our survival

when our insanity of arrogance
so distorts our vision
of our place in time
blind to the sacred ancient truths
removed from bone-broken reality
of human failure and weakness

when facts annoy and fiction comforts
and we begin to eat our own
while fornicating with false gods
of greed, power, and prejudice
on forsaken gilded alters
of perjured cruelty

then the hour of the beast
is certainly at hand
and we are
by deed and apathy
its deserving helpless prey

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


  • Click to check out the Emporer’s influence at Toads